Humberto Cavalcanti
{K:66} 11/13/2004
André, Esta é uma de suas fotos que estão em que, afinal, acaba de ir ao ar. ( Ainda faltam alguns acréscimos que o webdesigner Ricardo está fazendo). Muito grato,
Claudio Fett
{K:1737} 5/13/2004
Execelente imagem a vantagem que o filme que você usa e infinito, registra e tem vida própria. Uma imagem de grande impacto.
Glenn Edmiston
{K:7366} 4/14/2004
Hi Andre Just a beautiful capture you got here . I love your style of sunsets very Good work Cheers Glenn.
Per-Åge Eriksen
{K:40} 4/4/2004
Great cloudy sky and sunset colors, very good work, regards.
Harry Leech
{K:432} 2/4/2004
Alvaro Ennes
{K:2605} 1/4/2004
Perfeito...estamos esperando um sol aqui no Rio e me deparo com essa obra de arte!!!!Simplesmente PERFEITA!!!
Karl Risely
{K:150} 11/24/2003
Yes it is a dream. Fantastic. Well done. Karl
Naty Z
{K:16436} 11/3/2003
i like the sharpness of this image, i've never been able to get it with such light conditions... :(
Charlie Ellis
{K:2692} 10/21/2003
Gorgeous photo with stunning color. The composition would be improved greatly with a crop that reduced the amount of rock on the right, though. Otherwise an excellent job! Well done & thanks for recent comments!
Regards, Charlie
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 10/21/2003
David Ziegert
{K:378} 10/21/2003
Great timing with the clouds! Fantastic!!
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 10/19/2003
Oh GOD! Surely one of the best sunset ever seen!
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 10/16/2003
Olá André: Adoro este quente e apaixonado céu aolhido pelo espelho das águas. As silhuetas das rochas, tal como o meu olhar, contemplam este espectáculo maravilhoso. E....como é bom sonhar. Um sorriso.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 10/16/2003
WOW!!! i think that sums it up :) great colors. lighting.. excellent photo!
Kala Wlodarczyk
{K:2567} 10/16/2003
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 10/16/2003
Perfeito e alem do mais muito belo. Abraço, jorge
Alex Uchôa
{K:18547} 10/15/2003
Puxa essa tá show!! Só faltou pedir para o KBT subir em cima da pedra do lado direito :)))
peta jones
{K:12615} 10/15/2003
André such a dramatic setting and sunset, well seen!
Armando Jorge
{K:7937} 10/15/2003
Outstanding !! Magnifico trabalho !!
Amaranta Duarte
{K:18} 10/15/2003
Uau!!! Você arrasou nessa foto Bermak Parabéns
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 10/15/2003
Excellent bro!!! tb com o filtrinhos Kbt... Ficou psicodelia pura!! Um abraço!!
{K:30945} 10/15/2003
Great cloudy sky and sunset colors. love it. and the natural frame to the sun. well done!
Zé Ovo
{K:7579} 10/15/2003
Linda foto bermak! essa serie esta realmente especial! otimas cores e uma silueta perfeita ! otima captura!,parabens!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/14/2003
annexcellent composition and title.. a fantastic place!!! is a great effects of sun and nice silhouette.. in my friends-lis congrats roberto
Haleh B
{K:3741} 10/14/2003
I love the red sky through the dark cliffs!
Priyadarshi Sinha
{K:7238} 10/14/2003
lovely capture, nice composition, and color. lovely shot.
Abeer Al Jarsh
{K:10209} 10/14/2003
this is an excellent shoot the spot of light on the sea is amazing and the color of the sunshit is superb the silhouette of the mountand stone enhanced the picture it gives a nice srrounding for the sun well done
waiting to c more
Anthony Bastiampillai
{K:242} 10/14/2003
evangelia g
{K:2283} 10/14/2003
wow.......beautiful. regards,evangelia
Tomasz Jakubowski
{K:354} 10/14/2003
Fantastic shot. Could not take my eyes off the sun and water. There is something I would change though. If it could be at all improved I would shoot it in portrait instead of landscape. There is a little too much of the rocks on the right side.
Todd Wedgworth
{K:3433} 10/14/2003
great colors. good timing, you got that cloud at the right moment.
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 10/14/2003
Great scenery André! Beautiful colours.... well done! Regards, Diana
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 10/14/2003
Stirring! Beautiful image and impressive coluours with super camera and good retina film! Splendid!