Took this today, nice evening sunshine during Oscar's vening walk. Wife says I spend more time with him than her...Hmm! Tree behind is an ancient coppiced willow. Played in PS to give infra red effect, current vogue as i have just learnt to do this.
Hi Jennifer, Thanks for the comments. I use Ps 7, which I can't use, still learning, Do you have a channel mixer tool? see comments above this one on my page for detail. The detail in Oscars coat was largely because he was wet, having just been swimming, I have loads of pics of a black, no detail dog. Kev
I disagree about the dog being more centered. It appeals to me because it is off centered, and the dog *is* facing towards the left. Never center a subject perfectly. I have PhotoShop-Elements(aka LE) and haven't figured out how to do the IR effect. What PS did you use? I'm interested in learning how to do this! Great shot! I love animals. And you did especially great with this photograph because black animals are hard to see in most pictures. Keep up the good work!
Kevin, Just seen your Oscar blackdog - nice image and I do like the way you have gone for an IR look. Agree that Oscar should have been placed more on the thirds to get a more balanced shot but you will have plenty more opportunities to repeat this given the nice weather we are having!
Hello Dawna, Thanks for your comments, Unfortunately I had to grab the shot as Oscar doesn't stand still for long. To achieve the effect from a colour picture, I desaturated the sky a bit at a time using the magic wand tool and then darkened it, to lighten the foilage you need image-adjustments- channel mixer, tick the monochrome box and adjust the green channel to +200, then adjust the red and blue channels to -50. Add glow by filter-distort-diffuse glow, readings for this are glow 4, grain 4 ,clear 15. Have fun Kevin
Kevin, you have acheived a wonderful effect with this image, it has an ir feel to it, yet reminds me of a charcoal sketch a little. The stance of the dog is wonderful and an incredible setting. I do wish the entire dog was in the shot and that you were just a little to the left. (ie: if you shot a little further to your left, the dog would appear off to the right a little more rather than directly in front of the tree - its just a little thing but i find that my eye focuses on the dog and then up the tree and off the image). Sounds like this is close enough to get back to, I would suggest to try some more compositions here, given your dog will cooperate of course. this one is good, but i think with some experimenting you will end up with a very exceptional composition. Would you be able to describe a little more as to how you acheived the effect in ps - am very intriqued by this.