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Haunted Hospital
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Image Title:  Haunted Hospital
Favorites: 0 
 By: Terry McCully  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Terry McCully {Karma:9221}
Project #12 Dramatic B&W Shadows Camera Model Sony DSC-F707
Categories Others
Film Format
Portfolio Sony F-707
Uploaded 10/11/2003 Film / Memory Type Digital 5.0MP
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 12749 Shutter
Favorites Aperture F2.0
Critiques 30 Rating
/ 22 Ratings
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About This is a real Haunted Hospital in Pictou....treated people for small pox in the 1800's
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There are 30 Comments in 1 Pages
Robert Chin   {K:22282} 3/13/2006
Moody image to go with the story.


Jill Grant   {K:16} 8/16/2005
Hi Terry, My name is Jill and I'm from New Glasgow.

Ever since I was little, I've heard so many stories, concerning the Small Pox Hospital, of things that have happened to friends and friends-of-friends. I have known people who have been there, but can never seem to remember how to get there. I also know someone who knows where it is, but will not show me or tell me.

All of these years, I have just heard stories. Never have I seen a picture or even come close to being near it. We're tried to find it, but with no success. :(

I've done a fair share of research and I believe that this hospital was orignially called Lazaretto (Infectious Diseases Hospital), built in 1848 to treat poeple with Typhus, Cholera, and SmallPox coming off the ships in the harbor.

Anyways, I'm not even sure if you'll get this note, but I was hoping maybe you could email me and tell me about your experience there, or if there was any chance you could give me some directions. Like I mentioned, I'm from the area, so it doesn't matter how vague they are. :)
My email is



B:)liana    {K:30945} 6/7/2004
Great atmosphere and very dramatic and I love the tones and pale colors. well done!
Kisses, Biliana


Zoe Wiseman   {K:822} 5/22/2004
this looks like a scene in the hbo series deadwood. lovely tones and seen very well. i'd hang it. :)


Tanya Clark   {K:650} 5/12/2004
very spooky. nice work.


Francis A Willey   {K:-82} 5/11/2004
Excellent work ...caught me. Tells a story...I would love to see more from this series.



gianna piano   {K:15530} 3/2/2004
a wonderful dark photo.


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 2/27/2004


Ahmet Baki Kocaballi   {K:13618} 2/17/2004
very nice shot,
ver nice effects!
congrats!! Baki


Rebecca Phillips   {K:341} 2/12/2004
Hi Terry!Thanks for your comment on framed by the trees.I love your portfolio,but this one especially.I like the dark atmosphere,really spooky!Have you taken other pictures at this place?


Evina Schmidova Evina Schmidova   {K:2034} 2/11/2004
very nice!


Ulf Fågelhammar   {K:10975} 2/5/2004
Great mood in this capture
An example of how you can create great images
out of almost "nothing"


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 1/30/2004
It would be interesting to hear a little more history and lore about this place,did you get closer than this and take more pictures?.......Randy


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 1/29/2004
Wonderful creativity and appropriately soft capture, belongs on the cover of a scarey novel, well done.


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 1/9/2004


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 12/24/2003
Interesting location
Very well composed
The IR enhances a lot here
Bravo and regards from Jan


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 11/23/2003
its scary at least


Hannu Karjalainen   {K:3} 11/7/2003
It has the mood!


Petri Puurunen   {K:3397} 10/21/2003
excellent haunting ;) It looks very frightening...


michelle k.   {K:16270} 10/20/2003
hi terry, thanks for your nice comment on "give it away"...

this is great toooootally looks haunted for sure... great capture


MaryBell    {K:32791} 10/16/2003

In answer to your question, over-exposed and on purpose...if the moment doesn't strike you than I am not sure I can explain why...

sorry for not being able to do better...



Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 10/15/2003
wow.... what an atmosphere.. i like the tones here.. it's very beuatiful.


Armando Jorge   {K:7937} 10/12/2003
Excellent !!


MaryBell    {K:32791} 10/12/2003

I totally agree that the angle and the infrared really enhance the haunted aspect of the building. I know that the tonal balance can be difficult in IR and it seems you nailed it on this one - good job!! The balanced tone makes it harder to recognize as IR and also makes it harder for the viewer to put their finger on what is so unsettling.



Ranae Fitzgerald   {K:1093} 10/11/2003
EEEE! I can practically see the ghosts floating around! This is so great! I really like the angle you have taken the shot from. The Infra Red adds to the spookiness. Great capture! Ranae


Leslie Cohelan   {K:20807} 10/11/2003
you picked a good angle for adds to the impression of being "Haunted"...the IR helps as well...the only thing I might suggest is to crop the top...just a slice so the ery white at top center is a bit more subdued...otherwise it is excellent...


Joao Vasconcelos   {K:2163} 10/11/2003
Very good image!


Spencer E. Spencer E.   {K:4032} 10/11/2003
Great shot.. Frightening place... why don't you try to get some inside shots? (Ha! just kidding..)


Ahmed Fawzy Ahmed Fawzy   {K:3288} 10/11/2003
good you image .
very nice work.


Debra Griffin-Ibrahim   {K:7119} 10/11/2003
Very lovely imaage!!!




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