Luther Chong
{K:3585} 3/17/2004
This is a perfect shot in every aspect. The composition, with PS, is excellent and raises the level of emotional appeal beyond the normal rating scale.
You have provided the viewer is presented with a single unique photo. Good Work...
.l m,.
{K:519} 10/21/2003
Your ps work is suberb, and a wonderful tribute. Very well done.
Mike Frakes
{K:3349} 10/17/2003
He is wearing a RAEME badge! sorry, I know the drill (but as a signaller). This is a fantastic tribute that you have designed. With what is going on in this world, you have to wonder about the sense of it all, but when there are people that do this, and remember or at least recognise what the armed services do, then we feel very much as though we are doing a good thing. The ideas put forward by James are great too. Outstanding piece.
SarahM none
{K:7836} 10/1/2003
Hi Jamie, This is a really interesting shot. You have captured it well and your PS work is excellent. While I like the original, I think that James idea is interesting too. It is nice to have an image that can be viewed in so many ways! Maybe you would consider sharing how you did this for those who are PS challenged such as myself?
Thanks or your comment on my bike photo. I missed posting while I was gone.
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 9/26/2003
This PS composition is very cleaverly done. Excellent and original work
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 9/25/2003
hi James, before I look at your camera I can tell straight away the difference between the 10D and the G2. Such clear shots this is really good work in capturing that whole remembrance day thing, so Australian looking. I reckon this would be worth trying to sell. Thanks for your comments I am going up in the world I have just ordered the new 300D my first go at a SLR any hints about lenses?...thanks Roger
peta jones
{K:12615} 9/24/2003
Heartfelt image Jamie.
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 9/24/2003
Jamie; very nicely done tribute photo-- and I'm not even Australian. Very nicely done-- I see no weaknesses in this photo at all. Your PS work is excellent!
altur .
{K:6087} 9/24/2003
Wonderful work, great details... as about the composition, I agree with James B. ... it's a bit too many things here... but still very nice. Regards, Alex
PS: thanks for your comment to my "Lady with white hat"... yes... it was pretty overexposed (the hat, her hand) :-(... Now I even submited the "original"... not that the original is better... :-)
lidian neeleman
{K:6700} 9/24/2003
Emotive... beautiful.. nice crop.. excellent with the flowers and the reflection of the man very good composition... ..Lidian
Jamie Ferguson
{K:6284} 9/24/2003
I love both versions James, thank you for your valuable input, much appreciated and I see just what you mean.
Lexie Summers
{K:2027} 9/24/2003
What a wonderful image. Very well put together, and a great tribute. Excellent work.
James Berglie
{K:1340} 9/24/2003
This is the other image

James Berglie
{K:1340} 9/24/2003
I like this project alot, but I feel as if there is too much in one shot. But I did notice that if you cut the picture down the center just to the right of the main soldier-- it provides 2 very unique and interesting shots. see what I mean?

{K:1185} 9/24/2003
It may be suitable for a paper publication . It is a nitly done. PK .