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horse study - frame 8
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Image Title:  horse study - frame 8
Favorites: 4 
 By: Jonathan Kane  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Jonathan Kane {Karma:10641}
Project #22 Friendship Camera Model nikon f
Categories Transportation
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 35mm
Uploaded 8/31/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 824 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 28 Rating
/ 15 Ratings
Location City - 
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About for S. because you liked this photo so much and because I loves ya
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There are 28 Comments in 1 Pages
Sandra Bozic   {K:3963} 1/13/2004


Miguel Cary   {K:816} 10/10/2003
....this is really good


Leyla Gamze Ozdemir   {K:2424} 10/10/2003
did i mention that the white one paid me a visit in my dream?


Nicole Inskip   {K:404} 9/28/2003
Hey You! I still haven't seen your brain! Have You?
Well we just moved into an apartment and I don't have a computer!!! Can you believe that?
I'll be at the darkroom tomorrow ( Monday) I only have about 5 more days to use the darkroom, and not enough money to renew my "independant study". That sucks because I've only used it 3 times because I've been so busy ($160.00 doesn't seem worth it huh?) I haven't been making any money lately either. Well hope to see you there. Bye!
(Where's my horsey picture?!)....SMILE....


Daniel Knutsen   {K:3871} 9/20/2003
WOOOOOOOW!!!! What a crepy shot! Can you really do this with a 35mm??? I'm impressed!


Rhonda Prince   {K:17687} 9/19/2003


Titus Powell   {K:1731} 9/19/2003
Awesome work. Sumptuous textures.

But where did you find a horse so small? ;)



vicky ego   {K:1423} 9/18/2003
Horses are my favoutites! and by you taking their picture you made even mor beautiful!!!!


larry terry   {K:1965} 9/6/2003
Wow great shot JJ you're still the man dogg. this is cool though i like the contrast between the horsies and i like the detail, really great.


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 9/6/2003
Dear Jon this is a something....not a simple photo , it got a lot of brain in it.....


Leyla Gamze Ozdemir   {K:2424} 9/6/2003


Nicole Inskip   {K:404} 9/5/2003
Hey Thanks, that would be awesome. Domenic will love this photo, he loves horses too. I think I'll hang it up on the wall! Hey be careful in Miami, have fun.
I went today and it was really boring. I made a few cool prints and I have some good news.
I'm not sure if I'll be there Saturday, but maybe for a little bit. Bye!


Nicole Inskip   {K:404} 9/4/2003
Awesome Photo! You sure have a lot of photos, huh? Looks like the white horse is checkin' out the black horse!
Domenic says " the horses are good , but they're not so bad. And the grass is so soft that the horse doesn't even want to sleep on it"
Out of the mouths of babes!
Sorry I wasn't there today, we've been sick. I am planning on going tomorrow to darkroom. (Friday) Maybe see you there!
P.S. Love the photo , I want one!


Manuela Filip   {K:1657} 9/3/2003
a picture like a dream or a beginning of a fairytale...


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 9/2/2003
Very nice shot...i loved the composition and that look


Erzebet M   {K:1277} 9/2/2003
See..this horse was showing you his better side :) And you caught it wonderfully


lowell whipple girbes   {K:13151} 9/1/2003
this one is superb jk
to my favorites


j w   {K:12641} 9/1/2003
Now THAT's transportation :)

love the skewed view . . .


Flavio Ortolan   {K:907} 9/1/2003
Wonderfull composition. Nice tones too


Anna Aichinger   {K:4921} 9/1/2003 i have to search all my pretty ponys because this pic makes me wanna comb their hair...:))


lowell whipple girbes   {K:13151} 9/1/2003
excellent !!!!!


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 9/1/2003


Ken McDonald   {K:4343} 9/1/2003
Excellent composition and detail... I like the way one horse is looking back at the other ant the perspective it gives... Regards Ken


Andrew Caldwell Andrew Caldwell   {K:18307} 9/1/2003
Weird misperspective effect here seems to imply a giant horse next to a smaller one. Surreal.


Robin McAulay   {K:8908} 9/1/2003


Jonathan Kane   {K:10641} 8/31/2003
Hmmmm... Maybe it WAS a 28mm. I use a 35mm about 95% of the time so I usually assume that is what I am using but maybe I didn't use it that time...


ryan winton   {K:3027} 8/31/2003
nice image...what f stop where you using? looks like a 28mm,
great depth in this shot!
good work


Debra Griffin-Ibrahim   {K:7119} 8/31/2003
I love the composition found in this image. I find your use of natural lighting remarkable. Oh, what else can I say, I find myself speechless. My be I just should say,"Beautiful Jon, great image".




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