David Bourke
{K:2239} 10/20/2003
Truly superb. I can't think of any way this could be improved
Burak A
{K:2022} 9/20/2003
only excellent! i'll save it in my favorites folder,congrats..
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 9/7/2003
So beautiful and perfect! Wonderful photo!! Perhaps I would have cropped a little bit at the bottom if it was mine, but I think it's wonderful like this too!
Jaap Poot
{K:7926} 9/7/2003
Wow perfect portait
Andrea Biscosi
{K:5387} 8/26/2003
nice and worm portrai
volker goerschen
{K:1634} 8/26/2003
Ashok Chaudhary
{K:1728} 8/26/2003
Great shot with a sort of intense but soft mysterious expression.
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 8/26/2003
Beautiful portrait nicely composed and croped.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 8/26/2003
another excellent portrait.. roby
T Glow
{K:14955} 8/26/2003
Fine work... excelletn portrait, colors! Regards,T.
Nebojsa Tomic
{K:973} 8/26/2003
great light, wonderfull crop, beautiful color!!!
Stefano Monari
{K:1175} 8/25/2003
E' molto bella questa composizione. Il volto della ragazza è incorniciato nel rosso del velo. Molto elegante ... e misterioso.
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 8/25/2003
Great portrait; the cute model face with her deep and moody look is perfectly framed by the red veil. The red dominant, together with the soft light, give the final touch to this cool shot. Regards, Y.D.
Mostafa Abulezz
{K:4849} 8/25/2003
very great photo portrait,very good lighting and composition.
Aleksandra Zvonar
{K:4623} 8/25/2003
i forgot to rate it..
Aleksandra Zvonar
{K:4623} 8/25/2003
I love this image! Very expressive eyes, excellent colors..just beautiful goes to my fav's
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 8/25/2003
Wonderful work, excellent compoced, great look, beautiful light and color. Regards Kaj Nielsen