christian ciampoli
{K:-32} 6/10/2005
very cool
Jakub Skraban
{K:-514} 2/1/2004
to my favorites. I love it.
abbe klabbe
{K:-850} 1/9/2004
Brilliant 3-d feeling in a very 2-d picture. If it was my pic I'd remove the black dots to the left of the cigarette shade.
{K:75} 9/11/2003
Great great ! I like your style a lot Samoamax
{K:30945} 8/30/2003
I love the use of effects here on you, dear Shelby. bravo. all your portofolio, full of you, is brillant. you have a very provocative self-portraits. well done. I love your vision. thank you!
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 8/12/2003
Reminds me movie posters of French New Wave...Of course you're a big Star :) with an attitude
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 8/9/2003
Very good poster! cool! Congrats!
Arthur Z
{K:5328} 8/9/2003
Ah, I love it...such attitude...so sparse but those eyes always say so much in your works :) d
Igor L.
{K:7432} 8/9/2003
WOW! Great work!
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 8/9/2003
Very good picture!!!!
John Reed
{K:6994} 8/9/2003
Flawless! Very evocative, stunning piece. Can't say anything to criticize it. Thanks for sharing it!
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 8/9/2003
A perfect poster. Great graphics Shelby!
A. W. Osnafotos
{K:6373} 8/9/2003
cool !! very good ! regards andré
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 8/9/2003
Makes me think of Andy Warhol.. Impressive work