Nancy B Brannaman
{K:445} 1/15/2006
Thank you for your kind comments. I have been very happy with Kodak Portra VC and NC 160, and have used them almost exclusively for several years.
Maybe I missed my calling -- I have always enjoyed photo journalism. I am a Foreign Service Officer with the State Department, so I have the good fortune of living in one country for a long period of time. We have lived in the Former Soviet Union for nearly 8 years since 1992, and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. We have lived in rural areas for nearly 3 years, and we really enjoyed that experience since we are both aggies.
I'll take a look at your portfolio soon.
Best regards,
mark Brunner
{K:-99} 1/13/2006
your portraits are moving, I like your film choice. very good for skin tones. This image tells alot about her situation. you'd be a good journalist. what takes you to that part of the world?
Nancy B Brannaman
{K:445} 9/14/2004
Thank you very much, Heath! I tried to capture the sadness of the woman.
Heath Bennett
{K:4429} 8/29/2004
Love the setting - I guess in full resolution it would have magnificent details in the face and tree etc. Good pic
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 7/18/2003
This is a very sad image and it is also very frequent, not only in Ukraine, the expression without hope of the lady strikes and saddens me very much. Maybe it would be more dramatic in B&W or taking a closer photo of her face. Bye Max
Ari A. Alves (alvesari)
{K:7733} 7/18/2003
Very good catch.