Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 7/16/2003
Great capture! So cool that it looks like if it would be in the air while it isn't really! Nice details to, interesting "eyes see you" on the wings! ;-)
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 7/15/2003
Excellent macro,nice color and detail, Jim wonderful~~~~ regards
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 7/13/2003
OK ! I'll fess up. You notice this was shot with the Canon G2. so that pretty much cans the idea of it being " In Flight " fact is 2 people, Andrew and Ronnie figured it out. While I was Shooting " Get it While You Can" , I finished up and returned to the van. when I approached it, I saw the insect on the side window. as I got closer It flew away. I loaded up , got in the drivers seat and low and behold it was back on the side window. A little close for the 300MM ! I grabbed the G2 set it on macro and fired off a few shots, with various settings and angles. this is the one I chose.
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 7/13/2003
Excellent frame filling subject and nice background-- not sure how you did this but it looks cool. Good work. Cheers. Craig
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 7/13/2003
Wow, what a capture. The detail and sharpness are wonderful. Great work Jim.. Don.
Ronnie Gaubert
{K:3700} 7/13/2003
Jim, I have been looking at this picture for awhile trying to figure out how it was taken. I would suspect that the butterfly was not flying because of the position of his legs. Was it sitting on glass, such as a windshield. You must tell the story behind this shoot.
Richard Blount
{K:8015} 7/13/2003
I don't know what it's doing but it gets my vote anyway, it's pin sharp and nicely exposed, the lag my camera has, I could never get this, a great image - Richard.
{K:26787} 7/13/2003
A GREAT capture; congrats!
lidian neeleman
{K:6700} 7/13/2003
Great....look I am flying!!!!1 ....Lidian!
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 7/13/2003
Jim, a lovely butterfly macro, looks like its standing in mid air.
andrew vonbank
{K:2811} 7/12/2003
Either you caught this gal perched on glass between it and your lens, or you captured this butterfly between wing strokes. It's a stunning capture in either case, Jim. What beautiful "eyes" she has. Peace.
augusto mario cunha
{K:19049} 7/12/2003
Surely looks strange: only four legs are seen, out of six, and one of them is turned upward at an awkward angle! It is not touching the ground, nor can be flying, with the wings folded up!
Brian Welsch
{K:735} 7/12/2003
Awesome shot! I agree the angle is neat. Like it's coming in for a landing. I like the back leg kicked up. :) Great timing!