Thank you very much, Serge, for your comments. They are very useful and help. I sent the photo unmodified with Photoshop, which is the program with which I work my photos. That day was cloudy and the sun was setting behind the mountains looking very little. Under these conditions the blue color was everywhere so exaggerated in the photo, except for small portions of yellow and some red. As you can see in the photo I uploaded to Imageopolis, I increased the saturation in warm colors, yellow and some red, as you propose to comment on it. Also I increased exposure in the sand and rocks. And I applied warm to the whole image filter to get the final color resembled more that I saw it when was photographing the beach. I really appreciate your comments. Regards.
Muchas gracias, Serge, por tus comentarios. Son de gran utilidad y ayuda. Te envio la foto sin modificar con Photoshop, que es el programa con el cual trabajo mis fotos. Ese día estaba nublado y el sol se ocultaba tras las montañas mostrándose muy poco. En esas condiciones el color azul lo invadía todo de forma exagerada en la foto, salvo pequeñas porciones de amarillo y algo de rojo. Como podrás apreciar, en la foto que subí a Imageopolis, ya aumenté la saturación en los tonos cálidos, el amarillo y algo de rojo, tal y como tu propones al comentarla. Además aumenté la exposición en la arena y las rocas. Y también apliqué un filtro cálido al conjunto de la imagen para conseguir que el color final se pareciera más al que yo vi cuando fotografiaba la playa. Te agradezco mucho tus comentarios. Saludos. Alfons
Dear Alfons, photo is nice. I'd like to attrack yours attention to more common aspekt of WB choice. Single WB for whole image quite often is not enough for max impression. If you make bluish, cold WB, clouds looks very strong, but you lost warm tones. And vice verca. So, just take brugh in ACR or Lightroom (or any other programm) and select some area with probably warm tones. Then change WB to yellow and increase saturation. Your's image will be more reach in colors. Hence, more impressive and attractive. We already discuss this here Warm regards, Serge