Silvia Festa
{K:6008} 7/13/2011
intense moment
luis pereira
{K:26013} 6/16/2011
Hard life and a great portrait.
Turi cg
{K:27715} 6/5/2011
Magnifica!! deberías haberte de dicado aser reportero gráfico, habrías sido de los mejores, bueno ya lo heres, no hay mas que mirar por aquí. besos
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 6/5/2011
Excellent portrait, I especially like the hands (and that hat !).
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 6/3/2011
thank you so much for asking, in some few senses I can not deny it is some what good,and it is improving,but it took the steps of a turtle. thank you again my dear friend. Saad.
txules .
{K:62768} 6/2/2011
thanks dear Saad how is life going?, hope everything is right jd
txules .
{K:62768} 6/2/2011
thanks so much Kamran....txules
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 6/2/2011
good double portrait,and very good tones.
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 6/2/2011
great doc shot,love the compo and crop.bravo