Martin Halley
{K:580} 5/13/2011
Ah, now I understand. I will delete it from the alternative process. Focus stacking seemed to qualify it for that. My mistake. Many thanks for pointing this out and your further kind comments. Regards.
James Cannon
{K:-463} 5/12/2011
The image is positively amazing and could be utilized as an ad for Nikon lenses. In fact, I would vote for it as a "People's Choice" award in any of the other categories in which you have this listed. However, the "Alternative Process" category states, "All types of Alternative Processes welcome here. Platinum, Palladium, Cyanotype, Tintype, etc. Note: this is not a digital category". I viewed your portfolio and find your images quite stunning so, no, the comment was not negative, but merely an observation. -Cheers!
Martin Halley
{K:580} 5/12/2011
In the baove comment please read "Macro" in place of "microscope. Sorry Nikon, doing you down there.
Martin Halley
{K:580} 5/12/2011
What an interesting comment. What do you mean by "digital"? Is this a plus or a minus comment?
Yes, a digital camera was used but there has not been any post-processing other than to blend the layers together. What you see is exactly what came out of the camera. No changes to saturation, contrast, sharpening, levels, curves or anything like that.
No film equipment could ever achieve an image like this, so perhaps your perceived digitalness is a function of the surprising depth of field at this magnification combined with the excellent sharpness from a good quality microscope lens.
James Cannon
{K:-463} 5/12/2011
It looks digital, to me.
Soubhik Patranabis
{K:41} 4/28/2011
Just amazing ...
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 4/27/2011
magnificent in every sense,perfect masterful image.
Andre Denis
{K:66327} 4/26/2011
A masterful macro image Martin! Wow, that sounds poetic :) Andre
Martin Halley
{K:580} 4/26/2011
Thank you for your kind comment. I used Zerene for this image. Others prefer Helicon Focus.
Turi cg
{K:27715} 4/25/2011
I can only say brilliant ! besos:)
Tibor Bálint
{K:4104} 4/25/2011
Excellent macro.7+++. What program put together a 80 photo? Regards: Tibor
Aungsita Chatterjee
{K:19843} 4/25/2011
excellent........ martin. regards bubai.
vehbi dileksiz
{K:37355} 4/25/2011
Stunning macro image. Just "Perfect" My best... Regards. vehbi.