mariza lementowski
{K:4584} 10/1/2021
Peta! where are you???? come back with your Flowers, Mariza
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 10/25/2011
perfect shot with attractive details well done PETA.
p e t a .
{K:18700} 4/29/2011
My Tamron has never let me down Roger! No post processing this is straight out of the camera.
Cheers x
p e t a .
{K:18700} 4/29/2011
Thanks so much xo
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 4/22/2011
yeah OK and U??? excellent DOF and a Tamron at that!!... I have a student at the moment with two Canon lenses 18-90 & 90-200... both seem to dleiver really soft images.. real bugger... Have you used post processing to achive this focus or is it all prime in camera stuff.. and BTW welcome back
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 4/21/2011
A lovely macro from a familiar name from the past! It's nice to see people come back once in a while. I always enjoyed your images. Alas, I'm afraid txules opinion of the site dying may be true. The participation seems to have dropped a lot during the past few years. It's hard to put your finger on exactly why. Probably multiple reasons? Hope you post a few more. Andre
txules .
{K:62768} 4/21/2011
nice to see you back, I'm fine but the site is dying your return is very welcomed, we all need your talent amazing capture take care txules
{K:17951} 4/21/2011
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 4/21/2011
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 4/21/2011
superb. Best regards, Nanda
Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 4/21/2011
Sudeera Karunathilaka
{K:4233} 4/21/2011
Stunning capture. Great colors, details and sharpness. Regards Sudeera.
vehbi dileksiz
{K:37355} 4/21/2011
Stunning floral / macro work. I love it. My best.... Regards. vehbi.