Marana Pascovici
{K:2396} 4/1/2010
Excellent macro ! Regards, Marana.
ron shufflebarger
{K:557} 3/14/2010
thanks tom,, nice picts ya got up.. this is a seed ball(similiar to dandelion) approx 3 cm across. I took it with a 24-70, so it's about a 1:3 ratio. It is very light and airy but a add bit of contrast, darken and here you are--I like it also--ron s.
Tom Ravisé
{K:5082} 3/14/2010
I love the mysterious side of this picture Ron. I mean, these thinks could be a lot of different things. I like interpretation Art. Here, it could be a flowers fury. We can see some mouvments with the blur in the center of the flowers. What is that, exactly Well done, by the way. Cheers Tom
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/6/2010
wooow ron is so cool and strange like it seems a negative frame! well done roby
M jalili
{K:69009} 12/31/2009
Beautiful work ...............
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 12/31/2009
Dreamy macro, Ron.:)
ron shufflebarger
{K:557} 12/30/2009
Ryca, thank you for you rcompliment--yes this is remenants of a flower and it's seeds approx 30mm across in total, this is just part of the segment of that--ron s.
Ryca C.R.
{K:3895} 12/30/2009
great photo! tell me if I make a mistake...this is flowers, right? cursory it looks like rotation of fans.. very well in contrast n composition ..
congrats, Ryca
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 12/30/2009
Un interesante y raro abstracto, me gusta mucho. 7/7 Felicitaciones y feliz año nuevo!