Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 10/10/2010
this one is my favorite :)
{K:75} 10/10/2010
Reminds me of that song 'Tea in the Sahara' by Sting...
beautiful photo...
Aron Molnar
{K:2016} 12/24/2009
prelep prejsaz!!!
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/28/2009
got u! tnx a lot SUE! all the best, j.
sue paul
{K:6} 9/28/2009
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/28/2009
Thank You Hiroshi! all the best, J.
kokupsy_un morita
{K:2651} 9/28/2009
i like this. great deep natural colors and tones.
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/27/2009
thank u Mine! Best regards! :) j.
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/27/2009
Thank you Vehni! all the best, J.
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/27/2009
Najlepse hvala Zeljko! pozdrav, J.
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/27/2009
Thank u Ania! Best regargds, J.
derin deniz
{K:3544} 9/26/2009
excellent landscape.best wishes
vehbi dileksiz
{K:37355} 9/26/2009
marvellous landscape shot. congrats. 7/7 regards. vehbi...
Zeljko Milutinovic
{K:1289} 9/26/2009
Predivno Jelena. Jezero, boje, siluete i fantasticni oblaci, svaka cast. Pozdrav, Zeljko
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 9/25/2009
Amazing shot; I love the lighting and silhouettes; great atmosphere!
Best wishes, Ania
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/25/2009
Thank you Saar! best regards, J.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 9/25/2009
very fine shot of the place,and well done with good and beautiful colors, Saad.
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/25/2009
very very very much thank u Radovan :) hvala i pozdrav J.
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/25/2009
u know Stan, nature did it all...put the clouds, water, sun..salt...on their positions..and let me see all that in one specific moment :))))
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 9/25/2009
Very,very nice image,good composition.Pozdrav.
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 9/25/2009
If we love nature,nature will love us.If we help nature it will help us. By the way,how the nature help you? Best regards, Stan~
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/25/2009
Thank you Anindya!
Anindya Chakraborty
{K:12765} 9/25/2009
Love the light and silhouette is wonderful as well. regards Anindya
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/25/2009
thnak u Stan. The beautiful Tunisian nature helped me a lot!
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 9/25/2009
Magnificent capture Jelena.
Jelena Kasavica
{K:441} 9/25/2009
thank u very much Fabio!
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 9/25/2009
very finest