Image Title: s t a l k
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There are 7 Comments in 1 Pages
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 11/11/2008
From what you tell I think you see your own soul ...... ;-)
{K:70138} 11/10/2008
I see many things. I see the outline of the grim reaper, with the raised finger, demanding an answer ! this is very very arty, Harry .. loved it !!!
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 11/10/2008
Thanks Saad !
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 11/10/2008
a fine,and wonderful shot Harry, prefer it to the gray toned previous posts, my wishes, Saad.
Indranil Ray
{K:2035} 11/10/2008
Lovely shot. Total painting look. Nice macro.
Cheers! Indranil
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 11/10/2008
It's like a painting, .. So beautiful colors and composition, .. Excellen7 ! Aziz
{K:4349} 11/10/2008
Although I couldn't identify the object, but it looks favulous, lovely macro photography.