Martin Mora
{K:4666} 5/23/2004
your images show alot of class,,composition on this is right on,, again wonderful work!
Berenice Kauffmann Abud (AFIAP/2004)
{K:3147} 1/24/2004
Wonderful work!!!! Lovely details and colors! Perfect!
Judia Deal
{K:26} 6/3/2003
Günter Koth
{K:13841} 5/31/2003
Superb flower macro, Sandra. Beautiful colors, light and details. Wonderful background.
Razvan Toma
{K:787} 5/30/2003
Beautiful colors,lighting and dteails.Nice work.
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 5/30/2003
A wonderful floral, with beautiful color, perfect composition, and terrific background due to your PS skills. Funny, how much in common this has with my last floral post. Both shot with the E-10, similar color range, same framing technique and background adjustments... Hmmm, I guess great minds do think (or see) alike! ;-))) Outstanding work, Sandra.
Paul Ross sandilands
{K:13} 5/30/2003
Mavis Dean
{K:3962} 5/30/2003
How wonderful to find Day Lilies growing WILD Sandra. This is beautiful and fair jumps off the page at you .The lighting is so good . I looked in "The wild Flowers of Tenessee" book that you sent me dear friend and your image is equally as good if not better. Big hugs Mavis .
Jorge Herrera
{K:496} 5/30/2003
Excellent lighting!
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 5/30/2003
nice flower like the color and contrast on this image.
Luis Costa - Lucaz
{K:9205} 5/30/2003
Very nice work, regards!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 5/30/2003
Nice shot~~ thanks~~, wonderful~~