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tell me beet, aret thou innocent ?
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Image Title:  tell me beet, aret thou innocent ?
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 By: Wolf Zorrito  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Wolf Zorrito  Wolf Zorrito {Karma:78768}
Project #66 Innocence Camera Model nikon D50
Categories People
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Lens sigma DC 18-200
Uploaded 10/11/2008 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
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Critiques 19 Rating
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Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About How to interpret this, by Shakespeare, Jung or Freud ? What is the beet saying ?
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There are 19 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 10/16/2008
It doesn't matter. Then it simply goes:

For a good meiraap a beet can be necessary. For the things you describe completely unnecessary.




Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 10/15/2008
Its not for a salad but meant as vegetable with the main course ( dutch: meiraap )


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 10/15/2008
For a good salad a beet can be necessary. For the things you describe completely unnecessary.




Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 10/13/2008
long live the Ministery of Truth !


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 10/13/2008
Its just easy to have a beet. You never bleed for a week, you can p everywhere, no 9 months waiting before something comes out that destroys your s*ks life, keeps you out of sleep, etc etc.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 10/13/2008
BTW, the best proof for denial of freedom of speech from the mediocre is when they c-e-n-s-o-r even the word "c-e-n-s-o-r" itself in the hysterical try to present you freedom by hiding d-i-c-t-a-t-o-r-s-h-i-p.

Let him who hath understanding recon the degree of their stupidity.




Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 10/13/2008
Your original message was c-e-n-s-o-r-e-d after I received it, Harry. Thanks a lot for elaborating on that.

First of all about that c-e-n-s-o-r-s-h-i-p, which I really can't imagine any reason for. Your message wasn't any kind of offend to anybody but it seems to me that the some people's bigotry reaches already the degrees of autism! Especially when at the same time the same people pretend to be the epicenter of freedom - you know who I mean? ;-)

To me this is very welcome, since it only leads them to ignorance. And ignorance is the beginning of the end. So, let them go further this way. I enjoy that, really! Let them stay somewhere in their paleotlithic times, while the world passes them by at the speed of light. It would be nice to see them vanish because of the own mediocracy.

Now to your message. Was that your thoughts or did you citate somebody? I think that I remember having read something similar in the past, but I don't remember where and from whom. Anyway, no matter who's statement that is, the content is unholdable. It is only the extrapolation of the own mind to the whole world and that stands always on vague feet. The world does not have any obligation to be as somebody imagines. The theory has to be justified by unabiguous experimental results and also strict mathematical proof. So, what experimental data are there for that p9E5n8i4s9n4e2i5d ? Was it measured? If so then how? What was the mathematical proof? I don't take any such statement anymore without strict mathematical proof. In other words, these kind of bubbles are to me exactly the same like the economy bubbles of which the results I joyfully observe now.

Of course there will be some females with that p9E5n8i4s9n4e2i5d but generalizing that to some kind of "truth" is like mapping a single character to *all* women around, and that's of course exactly as laughable as the horoscops that map but 12 kinds of "fates" to ca 3 billions women around the world.

The photographic essence of the image did work, however, though in a different way. As already said it looks to me more like an image of some good comedy actress who quite clearly demosntrates the mediocracy of such streams. If you apply p9E5n8i4s9n4e2i5d to women, then there is no logical reason for excluding this-neid, and that-neid. Even... beet-neid is to be taken into that absurd statement, which is an excellent humoristic element here. Perhaps not intended humor, but very hilarious indeed!




Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 10/12/2008
Nehme die ziffern weg und du hast den wort was ich meine



Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 10/12/2008
I did but the message was c.e.n.s.o.r.e.d. sorry !


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 10/12/2008
Hmmm, and what is Freud's point of view about this, Harry? Could you elaborate on that?




Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 10/11/2008
She herself came up with the pose ... hahaha


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 10/11/2008
I cannot remember what I did. I just played with the image and suddenly this came out.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 10/11/2008
You may be right about the repost, I forgot.
You can look at it from different points of view Nick, I was looking at it from a Freuds point of view ;-)


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 10/11/2008
mmmm difficult to say.. maybe more like a comedy, as Nick says :) .. by the way, what did you do in the post processing ? did you use the shadow/highlights tool ? it looks strange..


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 10/11/2008
Is this a re-post, Harry? I can't exactly remember the original and I can't find it in your portfolio, so was there any new work on it? Anyway, as it seems to me the, pretty much the same comment of mine about the original applies here too. Still I have to especially mention the plasticity of the hand!

As about an interpretation, I would rather tend to interpret the reason out of which the pseudo-philosopher just *has* to extrapolate human concepts to beets. (Because he *must* do this before asking, ey? ;-)) So, I would change the question to:

Tell me pseudo-philosopher, art thou thinking at all?

Or I would tend to interpret this as a satiric comedy that does exactly that: Demonstrating in a delightful way how laughable it is to pose such questions. In this sence it also belongs in the category "Humor", I think.




RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 10/11/2008
Excellent .


Ali  dewchi    {K:15992} 10/11/2008
Excellent image and light


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 10/11/2008
Come a little bit closer?? Not sure about anything else hahaha. Your a charachter Harry. All the best. Keith:) :)


Rasna 69 Rasna 69   {K:8916} 10/11/2008
complimenti Wolf!! ottimo scatto,bello il dettaglio e molto gradevole questo effetto! ciao:)




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