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Image Title:  CHEMISTRY ?
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 By: Michele Carlsen  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Michele Carlsen  Michele Carlsen {Karma:146013}
Project #1 Abstracts Camera Model NIKON D40
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Clay + Sand
ocean+ tides
Lens 52 mm
Uploaded 8/16/2008 Film / Memory Type DIGITAL
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 704 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 74 Rating
/ 23 Ratings
Location City -  ON THE BEACH
State -  OREGON
Country - United States   United States
About Sand, Clay, Water, and Sun.....
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There are 74 Comments in 1 Pages
Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/17/2008
Thank You so much dear Malules - I am flattered you like this image !


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 9/16/2008
Beautiful abstract. Excellent image, dear Michele.
I like it so much!!


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 9/11/2008
Regards .................


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/11/2008
Hello my dear friend Yazeed - I thank you so much for your very kind comment as always !


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/11/2008
Thank You so much for your comment of support and encouragement my dear Lugal -

PS - please forgive my late reply - as I have been absent ...


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 9/10/2008
I like this work so much my friend ..............


Lugal  Sar Lugal  Sar   {K:4838} 9/6/2008
Very good pic.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/31/2008
Thank You Mohsen for another fine and welcomed comment my dear friend - I see what you mean about the distraction - and my focus was a bit off I'd say - I was sooooooo focused on the textures - I did not take the entire composition into consideration - I appreciate you pointing this out ! One day I will become a much better photographer for this kind of learning comments my dear :))

All the best to you ,


Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 8/30/2008
Beautiful symbolism, excellent abstract.. just loved what you've done there!
what about more sharpness on lower side, it distracts the eyes a little. but very fine abstract at all.
well done dear friend.

wish you all the best,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/29/2008
Thank you my dear biljana for your supportive comment my dear - I know how YOU too love Nature :))
big hug,


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 8/29/2008
Nature !!! Only powerful and so beautiful !!
perfect shot my dear Michele
big hug


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/28/2008
Thank You my friend Joao for your comment !


Joao Sousa Joao Sousa   {K:1796} 8/28/2008
Beautiful textures here.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/28/2008
Thank you for your time to view and to comment with your thoughts my friend Paulo


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/28/2008
Hello my dear Ali,

Thank You my friend for the very kind and supportive comment - It means very much to me ....
Warm hugs,
Your friend Michele~


Paulo Vinícius   {K:2657} 8/27/2008
Good tones and well done composition



ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 8/27/2008
Ma Chere Michele!
Perfectly seen and imagined. Wonderful texture and very well done abstract. And your title is Great. Who is the owner of the divine chemistry. Very deep meaning shot.
Thanks for your share and for your poke.
warm Hugs.
Your friend Ali.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/26/2008
Thank You for your comment my friend !! It is greatly appreciated --


Wonderful abstract. Like the sharpness. It really reveals the texture.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/25/2008
Hello Paul !
So nice to hear from you ... Thank You so much for your thoughtful critique is greatly appreciated my friend !!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/24/2008
Thank You so much for your time to comment dear Hussam!!

All the best,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/24/2008
Hello dear Stan ,

Thank You for the very suopportive comment my friend !


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 8/24/2008
This is a nice abstraction, Michele. Strong colors.
For me, shots like this have a potential second purpose as a grunge layer on top of another image.


M S M S   {K:9123} 8/24/2008
Dearest Michele,
Please don't apologize. I am the worst on this site, when it comes to replying and writing comments. I'm usually too busy with work, but can be more active here during the week-end mainly. SoI apologize in advance, if my replies and comments are slow.
Send you my warmest wishes, my dear friend.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/24/2008
Thank You so much for your comment my dear friend John - always nice to hear from You :))


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/24/2008
Hello my dear Jen- Thank You so much for your great and supportive comment and birthday wishes !!! I found the beautiful suprise you left me and I thank you once again for this :)) it means very much for me - I did have a great week - I could not just have one day - (uh oh ) but this is why I have a late reply !!!
Big Hugs, & kisses , Michele~


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/24/2008
Thank You so much for your very kind support my dear Zeev and also for the generous birthday wishes :)) they are both greatly appreciated my friend !!

Best regards


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/24/2008
Thank You my dear Pablo for your comment of support my friend !

Please forgive my delayed reply as I have been absent this past week due to older age -ha!!



Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/24/2008
Hi Avi ,

Thank You for the Birthday wishes ...You are such a sweetie :)) I missed a lot of friends right here on UF but took off for a week of celebration since this was a BIG B-day - one of the last major hoopla's - haha!!!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/24/2008
Thank You for your comment my dear Oscar !!!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/24/2008
Thank You for your supportive comment my dear shadi.... Please excuse my late response as I have been absent this passed week -


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/24/2008
Hello dear Julie ,

Thank You for your supportive comment my friend - It is always appreciated - I am so happy you like it :))
Big Hug, and Kiss,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/23/2008
Hi Sam,
Thank You for your comment and for telling me what you do like about the image - I have been absent for this past week because of my BIG Birday celebration :)) Ha!!! Anyway I am back now and catching up with replies and photo studies - I am here now whenever YOU are ready ...and again I 'thank you '

Best Regards,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/23/2008
Hello my dear luis - thank You for your great comment of support my friend !!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/23/2008
Hello my dear Srna - Thank You for your very generous and detailed comment of support that I truely appreciate my sweet friend - I am so glad that you like this abstract and I appreciate your support :))
Love always,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/23/2008
Hello dear Paul-- I too have been absent from the internet world and it is nice to take a break sometimes !

Thank You my friend for your very kind and supportive comment - It is very much appreciated as always - I enjoy your input and am so glad that you like this abstract :))
Hugs, and Kisses,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/23/2008
Thank You for your time to comment my friend Nacho !


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/23/2008
Hello my dear teresa - thank You so much for your very kind comment of support my friend - it is much appreciated as always !

PS please forgive my late replies as I've been absent all week !


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/23/2008
Thank You so much for your comment of support my dear Helio is much appreciated ...
Warm regards,


Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 8/23/2008
nice composition, Very nicely done.

Have a nice day.



Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/23/2008
Hello my dear Minoo - Please forgive my late reply - I was absent all week - but I truely appreciate your kind support and comment my friend !!
Warm regards,


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 8/22/2008
Excellent composition,dear Michele.
Have a great weekend,


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 8/21/2008
Nice shot Michele, great texture, wild 'corners' on the rock and good colors too.


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 8/21/2008
Such wonderful piece of earth my dear Michele, great structure and cracks, excellent!!
Still want to wish you Happy Birthday my sweety:))
I did put a little gift on UF as well to give you a present for this special day:) Hoping you had a great day and doing well, big hugs and kiss, Jenxx


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/21/2008
Excellent Image,superb textures and composition

Wishing you a very happy Birthday

Best regards


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 8/20/2008
Very fine art for me.
Excellent work dear Michele.



Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 8/20/2008
Happy Birthday Michele !!! ciao, Avi


Oscar E.  Flores H.   {K:7850} 8/19/2008


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 8/18/2008
very nice shot my dear friend
good details


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 8/18/2008
Hi dear Michele,
This is excellent. What a great eye you have!
The texture is fantastic, the colors are beautiful. Almost looks like something you would see from outter space, perhaps Mars? ;)
Truly excellent my friend.
Big hug and kiss,


Sam Graziano III Sam Graziano III   {K:14064} 8/17/2008

This is what I am talking about! I Love the feel of the shot. it Reminds me of a photo that you would see taken from a satilite. A sort of topographic mass mountains....

I Love the muted earth tones. the blend very well together.

On a different note. I am almost done with your tutorial.

My Best Regards



luis pereira luis pereira   {K:26013} 8/17/2008
Good eye Michele. It makes an excellent image.


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 8/17/2008
and wonderful abstract my Angel found with your good eye ... fantastic tones, lightening, textures, colors, shapes, exposure ... so very effective and impressive presentation ... really well seen, excellent composition !!!
Love always,


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/17/2008
Not only a great abstract dear Michele, but also an exposure of interesting natural chemistry over time. I'm not an expert of the area but the cracks once were filled and finally show-up to being most resistant and valuable over time.
Nice capture with natural colours and texture. I like it very much.
Hugs and kisses, Paul


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 8/17/2008
exquisite tones. great texture-Excellent.7++++++++


Teresa Ferraris Teresa Ferraris   {K:16126} 8/16/2008
You have very "good eye" to find so beautiful and interesting things, dear Michele. Compliemnts.


Helio Salmon Helio Salmon   {K:1050} 8/16/2008
Very nice shot.


M S M S   {K:9123} 8/16/2008
...and an excellent abstraction!
Hi dear Michele!
This is great. Love the colors, the lines, and the textures.
Great find and capture.
Wish you a great week-end.
Warm regards,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/16/2008
Thank You so much for your encouraging comment my dear arif - I appreciate it so much my friend !!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/16/2008
Lol !! Your garden huh? Thank You my dear Bruce - I appreciate your comment very much .

Your Friend,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/16/2008
Thank You so much for your comment Joe - as always it is much appreciated !


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/16/2008
Hello my dear Tommaso !!

Thank you my dear for your comment and time to review my image . I appreciate it very much :))

Happy Days & Nights,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/16/2008
Thank You for your comment my dear erland !



Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/16/2008
Hello my dear Nicki !!
Thank You so much for your time to view and to comment with such wonderful and encouraging words :)) I am so glad that You do like this image :))
You have a great weekend too my dear ...I am going away for 5 days to house and dog sit at my sisters ...I am not sure if I can reach by computer they live in a remote place too !!
Hugs to you ,


Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 8/16/2008
very well composed abstract, nice texture and colours..
congrat. my dear!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/16/2008
Thank You my dear Keith - I have always appre3ciated your wonderful critiques my friend !!! Big Hugsssss, and do take care also' Michele~


Bruce Wertz   {K:2553} 8/16/2008
Great shot Michele. It looks like my garden.

Your friend


Joe Brown Joe Brown   {K:23213} 8/16/2008
Very effective abstract, well composed and taken. Very nice work Michele.


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 8/16/2008
Hi Michele!
Nice abstract so well seen with the signs
of the time and a natural alchemy.

Have a nice WE,


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 8/16/2008
Again a good picture


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 8/16/2008
Fantastic abstract Michele!!!I like the colors,tones and textures!!!The exposure is great as well....and that is the truth my dear girl!!! I can't say that the picture isn't good..:)))!
Have a great weekend
Hugs to you,


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 8/16/2008
You have a great eye for a photo my dear. This is very well seen and taken. Nice colours and composition. Perfect exposure. Be well and have fun Michele. Hugs. Keith:)


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/16/2008
Oh Thank You dear Mojgan - I am so happy You like it ....
Love & kiss,


Mojgan Bahasadri Mojgan Bahasadri   {K:16243} 8/16/2008
Hello my dearest Michele :)
This shot is really interesting....Excellent tones and textures...makes a great abstract!!
Love & kiss




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