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 By: Michele Carlsen  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Michele Carlsen  Michele Carlsen {Karma:146013}
Project #41 Perspective Camera Model NIKON D40
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Rivers
Treasures, Stones, + Jewels
Lens 52 mm
Uploaded 8/10/2008 Film / Memory Type DIGITAL
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 734 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 67 Rating
/ 17 Ratings
Location City -  GATES
State -  OREGON
Country - United States   United States
About This is another image of the Santiam River where the water is rushing and more 'emotional' in a powerful way - I hope that you like it as I do --
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There are 67 Comments in 1 Pages
Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 10/5/2008
Hello Sam !!!! Sooooooo nice to hear from you :))
Thank you so much for your time to view
my images when you can - and for your comments - they do mean much to me -
Take Care,


Sam Andre Sam Andre   {K:12484} 10/5/2008
beautifully caught light/shade interaction... it exhales power indeed


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 10/4/2008
Thank YOu for expressing your feelings as I was really going for this emotion - Actually I always try to show just what I see - it doesn't always work but if it works just once I am happy !!!!

All The Best,


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 9/26/2008
I do like it. It makes me feel like I am standing right there hearing the sounds of the water. Gorgeous.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 9/3/2008
Thank You for the return comment Bill - it is much appreciated - and I surely enjoyed your image :))


bill smith bill smith   {K:5416} 9/3/2008
Very nice refreshing image Michele, makes me want to take my shoes and socks off and go wadeing.
Thanks for leaveing a nice comment on my image too.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/28/2008
Thank You my dear friend Oscar for your encouraging comment ....


Oscar E.  Flores H.   {K:7850} 8/27/2008
Bello paisaje lleno de buena conjuncion de colores. Felicitaciones


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/25/2008
Thank You for your comment dear erland --


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/25/2008
Thank You my dear John for your time to view and to comment my friend !


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 8/25/2008
Very good shot,good capture


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 8/24/2008
ahh... the 'game' with the light and the shadow is very nice here, so the colors made on the areas that changed between sunlight and shadow, nice sharp details on the water's texture.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/14/2008
Hello Joe - I really appreciate your good input on this image - I do have to agree with you about the blown white water -

Many Thank You's for a very good critue my friend ....



Joe Brown Joe Brown   {K:23213} 8/14/2008
Hi Michele. A very nice scene. Some thoughts, I feel this shot suffers from the bright sun, blown white water in the eddy and the lower part of the image in shadow. Too much dynamic range of the light for cameras to handle. The same shot taken early in the morning or at dusk might be much more effective.


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/13/2008
Thank You so much for the comment my dear friend Ania :))

All the Best,


Ania Blazejewska Ania Blazejewska   {K:23981} 8/13/2008
absolutely beautiful nature
well captured
perfect light


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/12/2008
Thank You dear biljana for your comment !!
big hug back my dear !


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 8/12/2008
Michele you've capture the motion of the river nicely !! Very strong and powerful !!
Big hug my dear


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/12/2008
You are so kind and generous Bruce , Thank You for the wonderful comment of support my friend !



Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/12/2008
Oh WOW !! Thank You for the super comment Robbie - you've made my evening :))

Best wishes,


Bruce Wertz   {K:2553} 8/12/2008
I can almost hear it Michele. Beautiful composition



Robert Chin   {K:22282} 8/11/2008
What colors!!
Awesome colors Michele,very lovely.
Take care


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/11/2008
Thank You so much my dear Teresa for your comments - I always love your thoughts :))


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/11/2008
Thank You so much for your comment dear majid- it is greatly appreciated :))


Teresa Ferraris Teresa Ferraris   {K:16126} 8/11/2008
Great shot dear Michele. Compliments.


majid masood majid masood   {K:6931} 8/11/2008
Nice Photo, Great color & Composition, tone is perfect, Well Done!!!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/11/2008
Thank You so much for your encouraging comment my dear Lugal - I appreciate it so much !


Lugal  Sar Lugal  Sar   {K:4838} 8/11/2008
very good...


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 8/11/2008
Regards my friend ......


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/11/2008
Thank You so much for your comment dear Melek .....
Best wishes ,


Melek Kul Melek Kul   {K:3599} 8/11/2008
wonderful seascape and light effect on water.
outstanding and amazing capture.
be well


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/11/2008
Thank You for the time to comment my friend Gregory -- It is always appreciated I hope you know ....


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/11/2008
Hi There dear Julie ,

Thank You for the comment and compliment my friend - with much appreciation - and
Big hug, and kiss,


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 8/11/2008
Stunninig and tranquil, well done.


Julie Salles Julie Salles   {K:22654} 8/10/2008
Hi dear Michele,
You captured the motion of the water beautifully. Excellent light and colors.
Big hug and kiss,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Thank YOu so much for your comment my dear Yazeed ---



M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 8/10/2008
Really beautiful .............


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Hi Bill ...haha!!! I thought about it if I were younger I would've found a larger flat rock to sun -bath on :))

Thank You for your comment Bill !



Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Hello my dearest sweet Srna - Thank You so much for your very kind comment.. .. ...
I do miss you - and do hope to catch You very soon my dear - I promise - if you have the time :))
Big Warm Hugsssssssssssss with Love,


BILL NAGY BILL NAGY   {K:5783} 8/10/2008
Did you tiptoe across on those stepping stones? BILL


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 8/10/2008
So very emotive nature shot my Angel ! :-)


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Thank You for your comment Robert !!! It is greatly appreciated !!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Thank You so much for your comment my friend Joao !!!!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Hello my dear Malules ...Thank You for the comment of support my dear !!
a hug,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Thank You so much for your comment of support my dear arif - it means very much for me my friend !!!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Thank You so much for your comment my dear Keith !!
Big hugs,
Michele~ xoxoxox


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Ahhhh my dearest 'butterfly man ' :)) Thank You for the great comment of support my dear !!!

It is greatly appreciated , and most especially from you !!
A big hug I send back for you from Michele~
with love .....:))


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
I know dear Nacho same thing happens to me - I didn't mean to rate because I have seen this happens before - so frustrating !!!!!! Shessh !!!!!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Thank you dear Naco for your comment my freind !!!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Thank You my dear Nickie for your comment of support and also for the kind comment of the larger file size -Lol!!!!!

You are too kind, we slept in our tents right above this rushing water - i loved it :))

Big hugs to you my dear ,


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Thank You my dear Oscar for your very kind comment my friend ..... As always it is much appreciated !!


Robert Kilgore   {K:2218} 8/10/2008
Nice mix of color, detail, and motion.


Joao Sousa Joao Sousa   {K:1796} 8/10/2008
I love moving water in photos ! Beautiful shot Michele.


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 8/10/2008
Really, really emotive picture. Very refreshing,dear Michelle.
a hug,


Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 8/10/2008
good capture indeed, the refreshing water looks great!
the motion water and lighting are amazing!
compliments dear michele,


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 8/10/2008
Nice colours and composition Michele. Like the way you have the white whirlpool there like a big eye. Hugs. Keith:)


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 8/10/2008
Good morning my good friend Michele,The position and the capture view gave this shot a powerful look, where you managed to an beautiful atmosphere, the elements combine a wonderful contrast and your of color version of excellent choice, a very selective work....:)A big hug from the butterfly man,love you



Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 8/10/2008
I put seven and goes to 6.88


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 8/10/2008
marvelous capture. outstanding. 7+++++++++++++++


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 8/10/2008
My dear Michele,
You did an excellent job on this nature shot, works very well my dear friend, fabulous sharpness and crispy clear colors. Great beauty and roughness in this shot, the quality, the focus and the details are stunning!!NIce play with light and shadow as well!!I hear already the sound from the water!!!!VERY well done!
Big hugs to you my dear,
PS: What a big capture....Hahahahaha!


Oscar E.  Flores H.   {K:7850} 8/10/2008
Bello paisaje. El buen manejo de la luz produjo magnificos y agradables colores. Felicitaciones


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Thank you so much for your comment dear Gregory - It is always appreciated my friend !


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Hi my dear shadi

Thank you for the very kind comment :))
wishing You a sunny sunday as well :)


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 8/10/2008
I feel the motions, beautiful capture.:)


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 8/10/2008
hi my dear friend
i like the hilights in this picture & indeeed your composition;)
have sunny sunday


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/10/2008
Hello my dear Mojgan !!

Thank You for Your feedback on this image , it means so much for me - as ALWAYS :))

I wish for You a wonderful week-end my dear!!
Big Hug, & kiss,


Mojgan Bahasadri Mojgan Bahasadri   {K:16243} 8/10/2008
Michele you've capture the motion of the river nicely !!
Very well done my lovely friend!
I wish you a wonderful weekend!!
Biiiig hug & kiss,




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