Thanks for posting this - Grandpa and Grandma really miss all of you. Our baby isn't anymore - she's getting to be a big girl. Sure can tell that Dom, Joey, and Ryan are related! Cute shot. Mom - aka Grandma.
caring for angel baby girl,is something that you can do it since you are with them, and years later ,they will look at your shots and it will reminding them of a kind and passionate Jennifer... recently i was looking at some of my childhood photos,in which i was next to my elder brother (2yrs older than me) and i started to cry... I really missed my childhood, what a pity that time's gone so fast and it's big thing to realize that whatever we are,wherever we are, we must be grateful, as our moments will pass, and one day in the future, we will regret why we never appreciated what we had...
Thanks for sharing this wonderful photo of this lovely angel...
Be Happy,and Stay close to your kids,as close as you can... Blessings, Ardalan