mousa Jubran
{K:5780} 6/25/2008
Great picture. Concert liked the colors red and yellow flower in Accept the greetings
{K:6612} 6/23/2008
Vlammend mooie kleuren! Groeten. Ferdinand
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 6/23/2008
Which leaves the *upper* left as subject to discussion, may I assume? (Like some political discussion nowadays, ey? ;-))
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 6/22/2008
Hot, hot, hot indeed Harry :) Detailed and with intense colors ! Hugs, Srna
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 6/22/2008
Dank je wel Peter !
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 6/21/2008
A great mix of red and yellow Wolf !!
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 6/21/2008
Nick, agree on the right lower part. Thanks !
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 6/21/2008
Nice colorful and hard details over a fuzzier background on the upper left turn gradually to a single cloud of indefinitebness on the bottom right, accompagnied by a color transition in the same direction. Very good consistent design, that is. I'm always upset when my yellows get overexposed but in this case the overexposure turned the lower right to some kind of beginning flame, which matches the color palette very very intimal. And the blues of the top left match also very well their complementary yellows at the bottom right. A very nice one!
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 6/21/2008
You only need to trap Guus 'Geluk' Hiddink :-) I bet he loves a bottle of wodka ........ ;-)
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 6/21/2008
It is a beatiful picture at WP ! Pity you cannot log in. Did you change toyr PC or internetadress in the mean time ? That can be a reason. Otherwise mail Chris ! Or shall I do that for you ?
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 6/21/2008
Excelente macro de fantásticos colores.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174163} 6/20/2008
Splendid detail shot, Wolf! Thank you for the comment on my photo at Web Photographers. For some reason, it won't let me long in from here (at my Sweetheart's).:)
Mike Cook
{K:4389} 6/20/2008
nice capture - great colours
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 6/20/2008
Harry, please could you also trap the whole Russian team tomorrow with one of your most attractive macro's ? regards, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 6/20/2008
Honey, angels never fly,
I wrote about bees, but I did not mention women and butterflies on purpose. Flowers are just hairy traps :-) :-) And don't get caught by a Wolf as well :)
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 6/20/2008
Beautiful colors and excellent framing! Best, Julie.
Salvador María Lozada
{K:69375} 6/20/2008
Splendid colors and beautiful image. Congratulations: 7/7. Best wishes, Salvador
mohamed ahmed abd el rahim
{K:5753} 6/20/2008
nice colors...well presented
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 6/20/2008
Veel aantrekkingskracht indeed, voor bijen maar ook voor dames hoor:)) Ziet er zo fris en vrolijk uit, voer voor vlinders en vrouwen....kus Jenxx
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 6/20/2008
Salut Harry, vurige kleuren en inderdaad zeg het met bloemen. Mooie Macro die deel wat bijen zal aantrekken. bonne journée, Paul