mary indelicato
{K:498} 12/2/2014
grazie Christian, mi fanno piacere le tue parole perche il ritratto è il genere fotografico che preferisco!!!
Christian Tropea
{K:2052} 12/1/2014
Hai diversi scatti che mi piacciono, questo ritratto devo dire che e' davvero bello.
Ali Almossawi
{K:167} 9/1/2008
A beautiful portrait, love it.
mary indelicato
{K:498} 6/11/2008
thanks to all sorry if I answer only now but I was out of town .. thanks again:)
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 6/2/2008
Superb, wonderful, love the tight crop and her forward view. I also think a mono version would be worthwhile Regards, Gary
Carmen Fuchs
{K:6967} 6/1/2008
Excellent portrait. Great composition. =)
Gaetano (Nino) Aievoli
{K:7118} 5/31/2008
Senti Mary, sarai pure "Indelicato" ma con la macchina fotografica sei di una delicatezza estrema. Grande ritratto, grande interpretazione di una vita spesa bene. Tra le mie preferite.
Armin Min
{K:300} 5/31/2008
It is one of the best portait, I have ever seen . Bravo Armin
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 5/31/2008
yes its life when the hair brittles and becomes gray and colors does not shine,its life when the teeth are fallen and you can not shot a big smile,its life when how much you illuminate the photo the outcome is dark shadows,yes its life in spite of your excellent DOF, it appear narrow,yes its life in spite of how much you are accurate in focus it appear coarse.yes its the WHOLE life in spite of the fantastic lighting,the only light that appear is the strobe of the flash. very best of me
{K:70138} 5/31/2008
very good portrait, Mary. Would look great in B&W too. best, Avi