Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 5/14/2008
Hi Carolyn yeah they do dont they.. perhaps we should suggest it kekeke.. when I am going to write a long comment such as I did to Jimmies shot of his neighbour with a death wish Doug.. I compose 'em in Word then do a cut n paste
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 5/13/2008
I am sorry if I said or did things in the past that set ya off... welcome back.
Still........... I will go off on strange tangents... and they are meant to be funny.
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 5/13/2008
Well said... I do not always agree wiff yer politics... but I love the bit you just sent. I will use this in a class... even if I do NOT have your sister's permission.
Carolyn van Weel
{K:234} 5/10/2008
oops, they need spell check.
Carolyn van Weel
{K:234} 5/10/2008
Still doing intriquing photos, I see. This one is real purty! You still got it!
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 5/10/2008
umm well the onion jack is there for bleedin obvious bleedin reasons tho I wish the feck it werent... and before Rudd leaves office as PM Aust WILL be a republic.. and maybe it will be fecked orf.. blue is for the blue skies the five stars on the rhs are the Southern Cross and the seven pointed star is called the Federation Star one point for each state Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania South Australia Western Australia and the Norther Territory.. poor old ACT Australian Captital Territory doesnt get a mention.. but then it has no access to the ocaen either so cop that ya bastads!! The ACT is the home of the Australian Parliament and is a small territory in NSW
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 5/9/2008
Wellllll..... they are weeds..... Hey, can ya do me a favor? Explain the OZ flag for me. What do all the stars signify and why are they pure white. I guess I could just do a Google...
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 5/9/2008
surely u just trim them dont u
Jerzy Bartkowski
{K:3768} 5/8/2008
very good composition. Rgds. Jerzy
Guido Tweepenninckx
{K:20076} 5/8/2008
nice garden shot