The start of a new series, "Humans". Many times the human being will be small, almost vanishing in the scene for enhancing the replacability or even comoplete unimportance in which some other kind of importance could be more visible.
This one was much good luck, since the dark car at the background put the face of the girl in a very nice contrast. Any comments would be very welcome.
Hi Andre and thanks a lot for the detailed interesting comment!
From the pure side of contrast definition, if I am not mistaken, I think that the distance of the color of the face and the color of the car on the color circle is greater than that of the face and the grass - but as already said, only if this really applies. I read somewhere about that definition once ago - I think I took that too directly.
But from the more wholistic point of view you are right - the contrast wouldn't be much lower at all if the car wasn't there, considering the fact that it has a very similar color to the dark grass. And when I think about the pure composition advantages without the car, then I have to conlude too that the small costs of contrast would be more than paid back by the better composition then.
As I also told Luis, many more of this kind of lower focus will follow, as I was also trying to take images of scenes with a more limited DoF for a less strict definition of them. I think that the choise of the things that fall into the DoF is the key here. Let's see if the others come out a bit better.
But I also think that the "problem" of your motorcycle images - if one could name that a problemn at all - was the much faster motion of the depicted objects, which I admitedly didn't have here. So your situation was definitely harder to master and also allowed some more softness as a representant of motion.
Thanks a lot for the straight comment, Luis, that makes me rethink about the image!
Actually many more like this will follow and even less well focused too, as I try to follow also some more ambiguous look and feel of the offered scene in terms of making its definition less exact by reducing the DoF. But still I guess that here some more focus and even more contrast would be necessary.
Oh, and not to forget! The Tokina is just about perfect to me. I shouldn't blame it on bad equipment when it is only my own fault, ey? ;-) Especially when I myself can't stand the always available "explanations" from many too many people of the type: "Yes, but I couldn't blag blah... yes, but it wasn't possible to... blah blah, yes but I was holding... blah blah" and the like - you know what I mean ;-) So I am the one to blame it on.
Hi Nick, Although you mention that the car provides a certain contrast, I think the composition of the image would be improved without the car at all. The darker grass would still provide almost the same contrast. I think I have to agree with Luis on the over-all quality of the image too. It seems a bit too soft. Almost the same kind of problem that I had with one of my old motorcycle shots a couple of weeks ago. Andre
I understand the idea of the new series, but this capture is a low quality view.- Could be the Tokina lens (I use it many years...)In this kind of image out of focus and highlights blocked are really problems.- We must wait another of the series...Hugs...LUIS