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Heaviness of questions..!!
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Image Title:  Heaviness of questions..!!
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 By: parehan .K  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer parehan .K  parehan .K {Karma:27453}
Project #57 Raw Materials Camera Model Casio pixels 7,2
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Lens E o 3x 6.2-18.6mm
Uploaded 11/20/2007 Film / Memory Type Digital
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Views 1147 Shutter
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Location City -  sharjah
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Country - United Arab Emirates   United Arab Emirates
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There are 50 Comments in 1 Pages
parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/30/2007
Absolutely you right,dear Harry.. Our world need Compassion.. which's a part of the sympathy overwhelming love..
I'd like to comment only on one observation, that I will NEVER EVER turn my face to any one to gave him another chance to slap me again..!!! This's not the Cosmic love I'm talking about..I am not violent, but at the same time will not allow anyone to be violence at me.. So here the human beings and the world need, the flexible mind, that’s basically my reasons to discover possible truth...
Warm hugs,


H L H L   {K:11377} 11/28/2007
Hi my friend, Parehan, I can understand your concerns! Don’t know all these! I guess our perception or vocabularies might different that doesn’t mean “we” I feel our new level of awareness potent more reason to all. Doesn’t mean condemning make as right; mind has to be flexible that’s basically my reasons to discover possible truth
... 2000 years ago Jesus said if slap on side of your face turn the other too... the man new the root of cause. What is happening to day no difference than then, actually our awareness are much greater so why so many troubles who to blame and why? We say love your self and everything will be fine! That do minds love, that’s the conflict that’s why we’re in conflict because mind has known conditions so how can teach true love? What mind know about love? Love can’t intellectualized or any short of theoretical, Love doesn’t know conflict, and Love doesn’t know Mind, So what cluttering our minds Conflicts, confusions, fears, anger, why? to many answers:)
Our world need Compassion every one is going trough changes there are no enemies it’s
as !
Warm hugs, my friend, Parehan!


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/28/2007
We are cruel when we are in anguish or hatred, for a variety of reasons.
We are in circumstances that we don't like and cannot change. In this anguish, we hold another responsible for our plight. We blame the system, we blame politicians, we blame a certain religion, we blame the person who letting down our feelings, deny our sympathies, we blame the sun for shining too brightly, we blame the birds for chirping too loud..... In all these, what causes our own anguish is the hatred within our own mind.
so, why are we conditioned to react with an eye for an eye Harry.!!?
perhaps the only way out is to feel our pain completely. The only way to heal our pain is by love—a greater and greater love for URSELVES..... and each other.
In loving with an intensity that overlooks all differences, our pain is healed and transformed. In this transformation, is the light of awareness...
Warm regards,


H L H L   {K:11377} 11/28/2007
My dear Parehan, Forget Plato :)Understand me you mast think with out any source of residue! I don't condemn spirituality or religion I love everything but never had the answers in to my heart, only to my head! Now as I have apologized to you have done nothing to be apologetic and nothing to be sorry. Just HUMAN :)
Warm regards my friend!


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/28/2007
I think Plato was a great spiritual person in his own way.!
any how.. Have great day Harry..


H L H L   {K:11377} 11/28/2007
Thank you, Parehan, no I didn’t expect answers those are my own concerns! Those question marks are more of a metaphor than expecting... Radical is what I believe too! When we put effort for change it seems more like of expectation. Any way I’m sorry my apology if I have caused you any headaches I blame Plato since I was a kid any confrontation the name will come up like did you remember what Plato said to his friends :)
Thank you very much, truly Appreciate all the sharing!


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/28/2007
Realy I don't know the answers about your questions, Harry, but perhaps we must totally change the way we are living. There must be a deep radical revolution in our lives, to understand what the deepself is, to reach the deeplove, even we are frustration and deep pain. This enormous frustration and helplessness is often the root of cruelty and hatred.
so talking about love, we have to be concerned with how the human mind, can undergo a radical transformation, how it can live, act and function at a totally different dimension..
Warm regards,


H L H L   {K:11377} 11/27/2007
Thank you so much, Parehan, I do greatly appreciate your reply, I hope not have disappoint you! Of course is not easy for me writing on a sensitive subject such deep as it is! I do understand the depth and the idealistic concerns and perceptiveness; of course there is no question or disagreement. Been none spiritual (EDGY) disbeliever hope doesn’t minimize or exclude any of my sensible feelings! Theosophies, spirituality to me is part of human invasions hope doesn’t make me right or wrong or any less or above.

My personal perception of a flower is “EXISTANSE” not the (ROSE) which equals identity =attachment I guess that’s why the world has been out of synch because merely all has been tagged with all shorts of identities which have made the mind cunning and endlessly creative of short inventive! A fresh mind has no identity it seen clear and that is the beauty heart and mind as single source. Personally don’t have hopes or expectations! Everything spinning, wars, corruptions, anger, what is the lesson? Do we know? Do we care? Or is some short of God’s madness? I think we will never found! Why? Because mind is so busy and preciously gathering all it’s strategies all kinds cheatings...but most is to protect its identity, all this efforts is waist of energy, waist of time = A TOTAL WAIST OF MIND. That’s what I think of cause and effect! I might be wrong? On my previously reply had paragraphed ((I might safer from my own personal inferiorities)) hahaha is that my effort to protect my identity? Of course not, it’s irrelevant!

Now what I think of LOVE!
After all!!!! It’s possible for the Heart to feel LOVE? What is LOVE? How this worldly world can feel LOVE, seems endlessly sources of books all titles few to mention, HOW TO LOVE AGAIN, HOW TO HEAL YOUR BROKEN HEART, HOW TO BE THE LOVELY HUSBANT,did we miss the point if not why we had to read to LOVE? Is Mind has done something again? YES! I took the HEART!!! That’s why can’t change believes of who AM!
My great respect dear friend, Parehan!
Warm hugs,


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/26/2007
Thank you Harry,for your edgy reply..
I consider myself a ‘spiritual’ person, how sees the truth in essence regardless of the source, religions, or un-religions has experienced the things and seen the own true nature. And the sky is the human mind, recognizes that we are a ‘spirit being/ true self ’ having a human experience, not a ‘human’ having few spiritual experiences.!!!!
The Source in all things as the same Source.. as Buddhists and many other paths might say, the entirety of the Universe is contained within a single flower ! It takes all aspects of the Universe to combine together and manifest in such a way as to create the flower. The flower has always been there, as the Source has always been there...
Regrettably ..In human life that prides itself upon being "civilized" and "educated", thought is enthroned often, alas, at the cost of . Is it possible that this is the cause of our shortsightedness and blindness that makes us violent and cruel, selfish and greedy, heartless and brutal..!????
in a reason, ignored the treasure house of feeling within us, with its capacity for gentleness and love, compassion and kindness, sensitivity and care, generosity and sharing.!! In one’s preoccupation with ‘standard of living have we ignored and forgotten the ART OF LIVING .!!
In our preoccupation with quantity, has quality become a casualty.!! In our preoccupation with definitions and ideas, have we lost sight of facts.!! In our preoccupation with the head, have we ignored the power of the heart.. Can we become intensely alive, completely sensitive to one’s own feelings and those of others? Can we enrich our lives with the language of the heart.!!?
Can we balance thought and feeling to restore sanity and balance, compassion and perspective.!? Can thought and feeling work in harmony.!?????
As we are in the process of education and civilization, we exalt thought and suppress feeling. This leads to a lopsided development of one’s thinking faculty and the terrible imbalance of having repressed feelings.
While reason and discursive reasoning do make us uniquely human, while one’s conceptual mode of understanding is typically human, it is only the power of the heart, the direct power of the heart in the form of intense feeling that can transform our lives. If one only juggles with statistics about poverty and one’s heart does not bleed in anguish at the suffering of a poor man, or Innocent die in frivolous wars.! how can we ever hope to wipe out poverty? If one only fills one’s head with more and more complex ideas, how can one’s life be filled with joy? If one’s entire life is based on subtle calculations, how can we experience the ecstasy of utter spontaneity? If one’s achievements are endlessly measured in terms of quantity and accumulation, in terms of what we have, how can one be truly enriched by the experience of living, by the fact of what we truly are? If one’s sense of self-esteem is forever linked to what one owns, the money one has, and all that can be measured and seen, how can one transcend shallowness and superficiality? If people are reduced to objects, to be used and disposed of, to be valued in terms of their net worth and discarded when convenient, how can our lives ever be meaningful, how can one ever know true security, love, joy, and contentment? If one is merely counting one’s bank balance, how can one know the ecstasy of sharing..!?????

Therefore, to discover meaning and fulfillment, joy and contentment, passion and purpose in one’s life, one’s thought and feeling have to work in harmony by LOVE. It is only in this balance and blend of head and heart that we will successfully walk the tightrope of living. It is only a happy harmony between head and heart, thought and feeling, that can enable us to discover the true challenge of living, of caring and sharing, of reaching out to another as one’s own self. In this direct and immediate realization of the essential Unity of all things, deep within one’s own heart, one discovers and embraces timeless bliss as the very ground of one’s being, as one’s own deepest Self.
Thank again Harry,
With respect


H L H L   {K:11377} 11/25/2007
I know exactly what you say :) I guess personally feel LOVE & LIGHT are more of interpretation of a short expectation which is (Conditional) of course many religions perspectives and other dialectical philosophies as Buddhism, Taoism, etc...For me seems more and more isolation because the more escalate the more it depth less “SELF” a way of its own simple experience! Metaphorically have not been convinced or minded out side bases than simple self! Maybe that caused by my limited intellectual inferiority type of Human being! Sorry Parehan, I don’t know much of spirituality or been one! Millions of human’s starvation to death for the cause of temples God’s, millions of Christians temples eall rected every day with finest marbles and golden icons, millions and millions
Leaving on Utopia hoping some kind of GOD will take them to heavens.
Ohhh, Parehan, please don’t misunderstanding I might sound harsh or some king of weird don’t know but one think I know I feel compassionated and less expecting on to morrow! That confirms all is debatable and all irrelevant


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/25/2007
Your words mean a lot to me, Robbie ..Thanks allot , and have a very pleasent weekend dear..


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/25/2007
What a wonderful surprise reading this friendly, frank talk, and deepest experience, Harry.. Appreciate your reply very much, and respect this mental humanity experience..
I think my dearest friend, all are different paths to the same, and one goal.!!
I consider myself a spiritual person, who believe, that the light can and does shine through in all of us. It may be stronger in some than others, but it is there in all. so we should learn to see and feel, the Light in all things, as animal, plant or mineral, so everything in the existence composed by energy at different leveles of vibration.!
I believe there's one song my dear Harry, one message heard by all throughout the entirety of existence. That message is Love..!!
Love is the Law, love knows no religion, knows no nationality or country border.
This's my personal view to the true SELF which's in the deepest, or the great cosmic energy, or..etc... there's many many names in different languages and cultures..
Thanks again , Have a very pleasent weekend Harry..


Robert Chin   {K:22282} 11/25/2007
You are letting my imagination to run wild Parehan,very thought provoking image with excellent composure and colors.
Take care


H L H L   {K:11377} 11/24/2007
My friend Parehan, long story short, back in Paris 1974 @ the age 20 one of my attend philosophy’s seminars was by Michel Foucault which truly had great passion of his idealistic Hegelian Carl Marx influential, back then my simple question had ask which was “Self-perception and it’s society’s influential, that seems trigger great skeptic from been sided as singular to a fashioned typical Hegelian supporter. I remember seating for hours with Michel @ the Odeon place café talking regards those influential wonderings which for me had most lefteted unanswered cause the year before my mentor had left the earth which was my mother. For me it seems SELF is the only hope of discover,anything out side of it is speculative
PS: I wrote this so I can share some of my past skeptics the reason never have that formal typical church brought up family it was just the opposite exp every judgments or cause crisis had to be on a debate table means had to be reasonable with a fair attitude by accepting responsibility in regards the person or the situation, this apply my failure @ school courses but on debate had balanced because I had succeed in Mathematics. So this to me later prove to be none struggle formula but a great struggle to the out side system because had to meet its standard requirement of the society’s rulings, like here in photography, at work, at home, everything have the typical residues example a Cross to someone else mean different, a Temple to Christians means different etc...etc...TRUE SELF know none abou this or GOD's or worshipings because true SELF its GOD


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/23/2007
Thanks a lot dear reza, appreciated.
Warm regards,


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/23/2007
Thanks a lot dear Erland, appreciated and glad you liked it..
Warm regards,


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/23/2007
"SELF is the only one who will seed light"..
Certainly my dearest Harry, this is a wise and great believing..
I think when we live fully a light onto our self or we.. will not follow anybody, we will have no nationality, or belong to any religious or political group. As we would be a free human being.. Perhaps it's only a harmony between head and heart, thought and feeling, that can enable us to discover the true challenge of living, of caring and sharing, reaching out to another as one's own self.!!
Thank you so much my friend Harry, whenever you opened your heart and wrote your deepest thoughts, you light to me , a new galaxy.!!


reza goudarzi reza goudarzi   {K:7097} 11/22/2007
good captuer and title...thx for sharing


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 11/22/2007
Great idea and picture


H L H L   {K:11377} 11/21/2007
Hi Parehan! Thank you so much for your deep concerns also great skepticism reality’s of the cause and effect ,personally have never understood intellectuality or being one!My mental limitations narrowing me to understand those complex issues, as you mention ““the danger of deep self in our minds””” giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts of what I call =attachments!!! For me is the root cause and effect of minds behavioral mechanisms.
I feel when mind it’s free on any attachments it opens tremendously space to feel and seeing
the true self of who is free on any short of identity but not separate from its environment, this way everything became awareness which silently the inner struggle of what who we’re… I know us and the different idiosyncratically perceptions … I have always believe SELF is the only one who will seed light!!!!! Thank you again for the opportunity to share my thoughts again :):):)


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Thank you dear Nacho, It is a pleasure reading your comment always.
Warm regards,


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
OH dear Michele, your comment always has value my friend. I appreciate every word you write..
thanks allot dear..


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 11/21/2007
very cool and original.amazing colors. 7++++++++++++


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Thank you so much Ricardo, for your kind comment..


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 11/21/2007
Hi parehan...This is the kind of shot that does say at least one 'housand words' and I would like to know even more :)) There is so many thoughts of what the image portrays - It is one of the MOST intersting images I have seen in a very long time with superb quality and details !!!! Now tell us what is going on here ? (Just kidding)))
Excellent composition and texture !!!

Best wishes to you& your family,


Ricardo Zanella Ricardo Zanella   {K:98} 11/21/2007
Linda. Adorei as cores. Magnifica foto.
Composição perfeita.


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
I love warm and rich colors too.. Thank you so much dear Biljana, appreciated and glad you liked it..


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Thanks Alicia, for your kind words, highly appreciated and glad you liked it..
Warm regards,


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Thanks sweet Srna, for your kind words, highly appreciated your wonderful feelings, and glad that you liked my photo.. Frankly, my dear, I respect the sadness and joyful, in both cases, there radiation awareness..
But i try to access the heavy emotions by Symbol.. This's my way to reach center of the power circle.. Thanks again sweet frind.
big and warm hug to you ,


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Ahhh, John.. I loved the color of the rock, it's very strangely.. Thanks dear so much for your kind comment ..
Warm regards,


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Hahahahah..Oh dear Nicole, she was so busy, shooting her hat :):):):):):)
Big Hug my friend,


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 11/21/2007
Great idea and even better realization my dear parehan !!!
I love those rich colors !!!Great !!!!
big hug


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Thank you Gustavo, for your kind comment..
Warm regards, parehan


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Hahahahahahahahahaha....Oh got the right of my secret,Keith.:):):):):):)


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Thank you so much dear Arif. It is a pleasure reading your comment always..
Warm regards, parehan


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
OH my dear Waiting..I was there before one seconds , and i take you beautiful new post to my favorite.:):):)
wish you a bright day..


Abolfazl Erfani Abolfazl Erfani   {K:7431} 11/21/2007
You're welcome to my new post.


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Thank you so much Waiting, for your kind comment.
Warm regards, parehan


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
Thank you so much my dearest Harry, you gave a dimensions to my picture, by your questions.!
I believe that the heaviness of questions, or problems, are the opportunities that life offers us to grow inwardly, to search deeper within ourselves for greater direction, meaning, insight and understanding..
I think also, that our thoughts, words and actions, every moment of our lives is indispensable if we wish to successfully navigate in turbulent waters, infested by the shark's of desire and the crocodiles of lust and greed..!! In this journey of life, the most dangerous enemy is not outside us.. I think the greatest and most dangerous enemy is our deepest self and our own mind..!!
Thanks again my dear Harry, for the precious friendship..
Hugs, parehan


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 11/21/2007
I am so very happy Dave, that I created a new idea in Usefilm..!! so.. Here is the originality..:):):):) thanks dear for your kind comment..
Warm regards,


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 11/21/2007
Precioso y sugerente detalle, los colores exquisitos!


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 11/20/2007
Oversaturated, over dramatic and over original composition my Dear ... whose hat is that and why on those rocks with those colours ... your creative mind is always so very dynamic ... :) ... and that is maybe just a hat of a beautiful women who is there to enjoy in nature, love, life :)))
Excellent and deep as always ... simple might be excellent as well my darling friend ... hugging you warmly,


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 11/20/2007
beautiful colors Parehan, very nice that purple tone against the hat's color, excellent.
Be well!


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 11/20/2007
Hi Parehan...where is the girl from this hat?I hope that she is going into the water to swim??Great idea and a good composition!
Warm wishes,Nicole


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 11/20/2007
Muy original!...


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 11/20/2007
Parehan. Your clever. Dosnt look good to me. What happenned that is. Hopefully it was just a big bottle of nail polish spilt lol. Full marks for originality. Hugs. Keith


Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 11/20/2007
beautiful composition dear parehan:)i love this idea!!
original frame!
warm regards,


Abolfazl Erfani Abolfazl Erfani   {K:7431} 11/20/2007
Lovely shot dear parehan:)


H L H L   {K:11377} 11/20/2007
Hi Parehan, personally seeing this presentation an enigmatic puzzle :)metaphorically speaking you have a point and it’s not easy of escape but I had to because don’t know how to start :) In Heaviness of questions…Help...Help
PS: Blood on the rocks, a Hut with no other garments,
Someone has done something, or she give up to lover she has just lost?


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 11/20/2007
Very cute "portrait", Parehan... I don't think I've seen this done before, os you get points for originality!

Best wishes,




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