Martin Halley
{K:580} 8/14/2011
Actually Mark, looking at this again from a distance of 4 years, I think your change was an improvement. Ho-hum!
Mark Wakefield
{K:481} 10/14/2007
Hi Martin, "Missed the point" I think I did. It was just the sky was so white in places that I was convinced it was burnt out. I must admit I find mist very difficult to photograph well I think you always need something looming in the background to show it is actually misty.
Martin Halley
{K:580} 10/14/2007
Mark, I like your addition of the sky but I think you have missed the point of the photo, it was heavy mist and the sky is not visible at all instead there are sheets of rain. I felt the idea of the vessel having sailed out of the fog made it all work well. Indeed I have since removed the entire background and feel that it is even better. Your comment has, however, made me wonder if I am on entirely the wrong track.
Like you, I also have a library of skies and so will look at the various possibilities to see what can be done, yours is certainly interesting but to my eye is not an overall improvement. More to follow .....
Thanks for the interest and constructive critisism, always welcomed.
Gary Auerbach
{K:3935} 10/14/2007
Simple and very beautiful. thanks....
Gary www.WeWalkinBeauty.com www.garyauerbach.com
Mark Wakefield
{K:481} 10/14/2007
Hi Martin, I had a go a tweaking this picture to add some sky and demonstrate what I mean.
 Alternative view |
Mark Wakefield
{K:481} 10/14/2007
Hi Martin, A shot with great potential, I like the composition but the the exposure leaves a lot to be desired, the sky is totally burnt out. If you get the chance to re-shoot and take two exposures one for the sky and the other for the foreground and then combine them in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. It would make a great B&W especially if you could take it with a moody brooding sky.
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 10/13/2007
You've composed this well. The mist certainly adds atmosphere. It's almost monochrome and I wonder whether it might have more impact converted. Regards, Gary