Marc Fontannaz
{K:2887} 12/24/2007
Belle composition, couleurs étonnantes, bravo !
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/11/2007
thanks for the comment Erland, regards, V.
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 10/11/2007
Great color and light erland
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/8/2007
Cool, so glad you like it Michele, and i hope like you, that it remains there despite thoughts it brings, but above all i hope i could do something about the idea! warm regards, V.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/8/2007
Well i would wonder how come there was no headache in that headfullofwords of yours! I hope it passes as soon as possible, but unlike you had to take care of some 'inherited obligations', like going and visiting people that are my relatives, and trust me that is just for the sake of visiting rather then feeling like that. But, my father says i have to, and i am a good boy :P! regards, and thanks for the reply, V.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 10/8/2007
What a beautiful image visar...I love the light and of course the color it brings thru the clouds ....I also loved your about and do hope this church remains as a gallery ..or at least that it remains!!!
Best wishes, Michele~
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 10/6/2007
Hi there Greenie So weird that your response doesn´t appear on UF. Oh well I just wanted you to know that I´m aware that you´re not talking for a destruction of the empty church and Biljiana an athestist?*LOL* Okay now she´ll be REALLY mad with you if hearing that:-) I came to think that the place could also be used for handicapped people. A center for education and information especially about mentally handicapped people. They suffer a great deal so many places in the world due to ignorance, lack of will and ressources to change their lives and make them bearable. I love everything that has to do with art, but making such a center for and about handicapped people could maybe lead to some good changes. The wellbeing of handicapped people lies near to by heart. Sorry for the late answer but my head has been giving me trouble these days- noo not hang-over:-) Just plain and simple drillheadaches grrrrrrrrr Peace
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/6/2007
Tung, shume e cmoj edhe idene tone. mirepo, nuk di se sa ka mundesi teknike, arkitekturale ne ket rast qe t'bohet nji gja e tille. Sidoqofte, gjithmone duhet me pas parasysh kreativitetin. Problemi osht gjithnji te idete. Per mu realizu ato, osht veq qeshtje teknike, e vyn edhe pare 'nashta' :).. Paj une mendova galeri. Neve na u duke e realizushme edhe kreative. E tash nuk di cka ndodh. Por sidoqofte jam kunder prishjes saj! Shume pershendetje, V.
Hyla Haxhiu
{K:858} 10/6/2007
tung visar,foto bash e qelluar,por sa ma e qelluar kish qene qe ajo ndertes(kish) te jet fakultet i Artit,Galeri apo qka do qoft, aty ku po me shkojne syt eshte qeilli,perndimi i diellit ne ate pjes te fokusune.
pershendetje; hyla
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/3/2007
tung arben, ksajde jemi ;) V.
Arben Mallaki
{K:10761} 10/3/2007
Tung Visar! mire se ju gjej edhe sigurisht qe edhe mu me vjen mire qe gjej ketu Shqiptar... sa po i pash disa foto tuja edhe me pelqyn edhe me pelqej puna jote...
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/2/2007
thanks for the thoughful comment Edlira. As for our different worlds, and approaches on things... well, imagine how dull that would be having or sharing same opinions on things, beside there would not be any use of telling anything because everyone would already be aware of it! ;) Cheers Edlira, Me mori me vete ideja, disa fjale te pamenduara, pamatura, gje qe nuk e kam pas nder mend, por ja qe nga njehere gjerat dalin jasht dore, po me durim gjithcka rregullohet, siq edhe ndodhi! pershendetje, V.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/2/2007
glad to hear that comment from you Sylvia, warm regards, V.
Edlira Voges
{K:6410} 10/2/2007
Hey Visar, Se pari, fotografia eshte shume interesante per shume arsye, (pa u futur ne politike) per mua eshte shprese dhenese, The bleakness & the dark feeling of the sky, kind of hazy too,is like uncertainty lurking & hovering above the future of this building, but there is a ray of hope & vision for the future represented here by the bright cloud on the side, like your idea & project. now i must say that Im against destroying anything that can be useful & provide some service to the people, & especially when a lot of money were invested in it in the first place, on top of it considering that the money used for anything, from the governments comes out of the pockets of the masses.I really hope that you succeed with your proposal & you must give it a try you never know, as long as you have done your part. my friend I really like your photos & the way that you try to tell a story with each one of them & i respect it because it is your story, your piece of your world, unique in its kind, If i don't agree with it,(generally speaking) that is because we have two different visions of life but as that saying goes, we agree to disagree! ;) take care Visar tung tung E.
Sylvia Marriott
{K:12812} 10/2/2007
Wonderful dramatic shot!! the cloud has a biblical look and combined with the church the picture has a sort of 'The end of Days' feel to it:)
Hugs Sylvia
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/2/2007
see Blueyed, server again!! I just wrote you a reply and it does not show it!! oh my God, oh my God, hahahahahahahaaa... anyway, "To much ado for nothing" V.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 10/2/2007
Now,I can agree with your idea .... best regards biljana
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 10/2/2007
.......and I must add,I didn't now that church is new...I hate Milosevic more than you...he ruin my best years here :(......
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/2/2007
Ok, Biljana now you know that this church was built during the time of Milosevic and there and you agree with my idea!
regards, V.
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 10/2/2007
You´re welcome, greeneye:-) I care for cultural buildings and find no reason to tear down a church, but I have no problem with using an empty church for sth. else than worship. Belief doesn´t always have to cling to bricks. A place of art be it words, music, paint etc. can bring together people instead of dividing them, and my guess is, also from Biljana´s response that this is what you need in that region. Not strong feelings between competing religions and cultures, division between people, but a unifying act. Just see here on UF - so many different religions and cultures represented, but we find that we´re not that apart when commenting and seing each other´s artwork. Biljana, be careful not to jump on everybody that is apart from you. I respect your strong feelings and what you must have endured, but respect is the key. You jumped on my back for making the photo "Sweet Pain" without even asking me politely about my thoughts. I beg you - dig out some tolerance and happiness. It will come back to you many times:-) Take care both of you Annemette
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 10/2/2007
I am really sorry because of that , but I had get it by mail...I hope we will have not any misunderstood .... regards biljana
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/2/2007
The server bllocked my answer!
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 10/2/2007
Just one reply !if you give me a chance ... When I saw your picture I was really happy ,cause you made picture of church,beautiful picture I must say...but thing what upset me is that somebody want ruin it ...believe or not I would be upset even because Mosque.I am against of ruining culture,history or origin which else it is...I am glad we can talk about it without politics which ruins everything good in this world.....Sorry cause you was target :( I am even not fighter,only my tongue is faster than my brain....and I don't know why svartlav has very lousy comments ??!!!!??You and i had polemic and I hope we can finish it now with out hard feelings
warm regards
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/2/2007
I am not quite sure what friend you're talking about! Anyway, I want to let you know that by posting this picture i did not want to hurt the feelings of anyone, and even less to bring up a discussion on this very boring topic as who does Kosova belongs to! I am glad you apologize, and as for being upset, well I still see not use of that church- be it Serb or Albanian, i just don't give a dman!! And trust me that if that was a Mosque it would be far too early ruined by now, because of the location it is build! take care, V.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 10/2/2007
OK I was apology cause I really was upset when I read somebody wants to ruin this church. and we never will talk about that cause I am tired too to live her in Balkan ,in Serbia and be bad guy(girl,what ever)....and please,ask your friend to be not so rude,I don't have anything with him...... (You know what's funny...I even not agree with this politics,I hate it...)
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/2/2007
Hi Biljana, You know you're insulting my intelligence and knowledge about things i've read, not know because i did not live in XIV-XV or VII century (when Serbs came from Carpats) but what i am talking what i can tell is things i read from books of internationally claimed authors, not Albanians! Now you're telling me Kosovo was Serbian from the beginning! I have to agree that tha's what Mr. Vasa Cubrilovic wrote on the elaborates to eradicate Albanians from the face of earth, and to some extend they succeeded (only 1878 they drove about 300 villiges of Albanians in the south Serbia- not Kosovo, Nis, Leskovac, Prokuplje, Kurshumlija regions, in agreement with the Turk authorities) driving them to Turkey. Today only in Turkey live about 2 milion Albanians in Turkey (just for the record, so that if you find it curious you may go and check out these facts). Now i wonder how could it be that Kosovo which was below these lands, was Serb!! ... Anyway, do you think it was smart enough to build a church in the Middle of the University compound? In the capital of a place where 80 of the people are muslims, and yet 95 % Albanians that are not Orthodox christians!?
My mathematical calculations find it rediculous! ... So, please do me a favour and let us not talk about this kind of things because, I was tired of them, not being able to breath because of the guns on my nose every single day while going to school and comming back and whenever i went out of the door of my house. And beside, I am a very peaceful man, that loves peace, despite whatever status of the place where i live--- But one thing i know for sure is that i was born here, though my grand grandfather was born near Leskovac, but... as i said above.
Thanks for the comment anyways, regards, V.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/2/2007
So glad to hear those curageous words from you Blueye, and you know i agree with what you said about a nation having creative minds! And there are some here too, working in so limmited conditions, with no support whatsoever from any institution, agency or those whoever promote these values. This idea, of turning the church into a gallery i know it would drive crazy many fanatics, but that's the best solution i'd say. and the building is huge, so there would be room for any artistic activity- you name it and all would be fine!! but we'll see. thanks again, Greeneyed lad.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 10/2/2007
Kosovo was Serbian from the beginning ...You have not right to talk about things which you don't know !!!! maybe it will be yours ,but you can only shame because of that
You can ruin every single church in Kosovo,but you can not ruin our origin and our culture !!!
I must say you upset me very much with your about...sorry if my words are harsh ,but I'm really upsetting !!! biljana
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 10/2/2007
Yes exactly my thoughts - turn it into a gallery and workshop for artists of all kinds, writers, painters, photographers you name it. A nation never dies if there´s people with creativity around, new ideas:-) Tuttelut Blueeye
absynthius .
{K:20748} 10/2/2007
;), yup, love that film- Gary Oldman dude, way to crazy an actor! thanks for the comments, V.
Burim Luta
{K:5255} 10/2/2007
Great shot man. Great sky details, reminds me of the first couple minutes of Copopla's Dracula, there is a very similar view.
Cheers Burim