I do shoot hand-held most of the time (this one was hand-held). I also track subjects often, as I like the BIF shots. The TC does affect the AF speed, and it also compresses the DOF (in half, I hear). That being said, I still use it frequently for the extra reach. If I can shoot without it, I do. That being said, I hardly notice either affect with the TC. I stick with the 1.4 though. With the 2X, you lose 2 stops instead of 1 and I assume the AF speed and DOF compression is more noticeable. I will probably avoid the 2X unless I sudenly find myself with lots of extra money. hahahahahahahahahaha
Another one in amazing focal clarity and depth. Ok . . . I have a question. Shooting 1/1250 . . . at F/5.6 (or lower) gives this amazing depth and clarity and the speed forgives minor "shutter-shake" . . . I'm assuming you're handheld? Does the tele-converter slow down the camera at all . . . I have sometimes used a continuous focal setting on the D200 so I can track . . . and I wonder how the converter would slow that down. Have you noticed a downside for me to consider?