Joe Johnson
{K:8529} 1/18/2007
I just think it's a closeup. There's a lot of interesting detail because - it's of nature. You can't get more interesting than that. You have all the perfect colors, interesting details, forms, and so on. This below gives a suggestion, with some local area lighting enhancement, using the extreme settings on one of the 'Deadman's macro sharpeners.

Gilbert Laraque
{K:784} 1/18/2007
Joe, do you think it would be better if I had left this picture like the original, and used the spot erase, or patch tool to get rid of the wires?
Gilbert Laraque
{K:784} 1/18/2007
It is centered, there is some cropping of part of the original image that I did not like, like the wires that hung the basket was shwing up a little bit. In the original pic, the flower was off center.

Joe Johnson
{K:8529} 1/18/2007
But as CC photo, as you have it, I think you've essentially presented a centered closeup without cropping.
Gilbert Laraque
{K:784} 1/18/2007
Thanks Alicia!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 1/18/2007
Qué encanto!!! Felicitaciones... una maravilla de captura!