Grzegorz Markowski
{K:6537} 11/24/2006
I like it :)
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 11/1/2006
Excellent work!!! Fantastic details!!! Regards Jani
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 10/27/2006
Molto molto divertente... he he... sembra davvero una grande love story al suo inizio... ;)
Gianes Ma
{K:26069} 10/27/2006
Bella e simpaticissima anche questa a larga inquadratura. Il trattamento e il viraggio, non usuale, la rende anche molto "grafica".
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/27/2006
Lovely contrast and tone amd great composition ..nessa
txules .
{K:62768} 10/27/2006
excellent Paolo, if i could take something like this....txules
{K:61359} 10/27/2006
Superb. The tones, the pov leading to a almost minimalist scene, the subjects.. all leads to a really nice composition. Congrats
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 10/26/2006
Great photo and a very nice title. Composition and tones are superb. Well done, Paolo!!! Emgy
osvaldo rima
{K:6862} 10/26/2006
Ottimo lavoro Paolo, mi piace tantissimo, molto bravo! Ciao, a presto Os
Michal Giedrojc
{K:277} 10/26/2006
+++ very good photo
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 10/26/2006
thanks to kind! ;)
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 10/26/2006
Now this is extraordinary, my friend. Great composition and framing. The chosen tone is awesome. Well done, Paolo.
cessy karina
{K:14205} 10/26/2006
hehehe.. very well seen and nicely captured, Paolo perfect title and beautiful tones and composition
a. gianfranco baccelli
{K:21379} 10/26/2006
Questa è da premio, tranquillo. Bello il viraggio e la composizione.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 10/26/2006
Love the title, dear Paolo! It does look like she's seducing him.;) (Also love the little clouds in the sky.)
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 10/26/2006
Splendida!!! Io amo il leggero viraggio in sepia e questa non fà differenza. Ottimo il taglio.
p e t a .
{K:18700} 10/25/2006
haha, great title! I like your style :)
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 10/25/2006
Perfect tone and Mood. rare shot. a very good use of empty space to creat an unusual feel about the nature and animal. nice done.
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 10/25/2006
Perfect tone and Mood. rare shot. a very good use of empty space to creat an unusual feel about the nature and animal. nice done.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 10/25/2006
Haha...so apt title and funny view! I do love it, full of great details and special tones. Very well captured moment, a well composed photo! Just a great work my friend! Bravooo 7+++
Have a nice day dear Paolo, Robert
Joao Sousa
{K:1796} 10/25/2006
Great scene and great title, I love those sepia tones!
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 10/25/2006
perfect composed...great scene...excellent work!!! great tones!
lg, winfried
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 10/25/2006
thank you for your nice comemnt! :)
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 10/25/2006
This is truly a scene to be enjoyed, so moody ... excellent!! ciao..riny
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 10/25/2006
Like a great magic this capture, very impressive composition and very pleasant tone
very best regards my friend
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 10/25/2006
Simpatico il titolo, splendida la foto. Hai composto due fasce scure, nel cielo e in terra, ad inquadrare un soggetto semplissimo (la nuvoletta lì al centro è una chicca!). Il filo di terra mette le fondamenta all'immagine. Paolo, ne avrei dato un centimentro anche alla povera mucca che sembra poggiare in bilico sulla cornice! Scherzo, so che l'hai fatto apposta. Ciao.
Dario Stefani
{K:4938} 10/25/2006
Bella immagine..mi piacciono molto sia il taglio sia il tono particolare..complimenti! Dario
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 10/25/2006
Great shot Paolo! You see a lot of cow Images but I really like this one! The composition is just wonderful work!! I really like the tones and the wondeerful detail.....
Congrats on a very nice capture!
ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
{K:16316} 10/25/2006
so cute
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 10/25/2006
Great image Paolo. Regards Ron.
Susan Hernandez
{K:6487} 10/25/2006
WOW, you even make wildlife look like a work of art, love it!
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 10/25/2006
thank you dear Olga! there's one mistake from me..it's cucco mountain in italy here not far from perugia :)
Olga-Eva Krajciova
{K:19240} 10/25/2006
great tone and contrast i like those very soft cloudes there and the face of denmark you bring in your images you know, seems crazy to me that they look like they are both watching you :) hugs