k b
{K:1191} 5/14/2003
I like what you've done with this piece, but have you tried pushing the white text at the bottom all the way over to the left? That was the first thing I thought when I saw this.
Anyway, I like this piece and I relly like the quote. Nice work (again!)>
Katie Ray
{K:1618} 5/9/2003
great image =)
you wanted to know how i put letting on my photo without photo shop, it's actually really easy! You know those overhead transparencies (sp)? i just typed out what i wanted it to say and put it over the paper then turned the enlarger on =)
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 5/3/2003
your comment about sharpness sugested me you shoulb be interesting so here i am and seems truth...!

^j^ .
{K:8554} 4/22/2003
Well... You wanted something brutal... Lil' sis' did it for me and I'm glad she did !!! Let's all fuck for virginity then........... As for the rest... I don't do technics ! ;-))
michelle k.
{K:16270} 4/21/2003
i love your idea here, and the end result is beautiful. your quotes make me think of a photo of an anti-war protest that i saw on another site. if you don't mind me being so blunt, i'd like to share with you what it said: "Fighting for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity". i like how you sandwiched the two images together. i'm still learning how to do that kind of thing in ps... and, i always have an issue too with clarity when i scan... bleh! : ) you have a good vision for words + image.
Julie Buckwald
{K:526} 4/21/2003
I appreciate the honesty Ray. I must confess I get the sharpness comment a lot and I don't know quite how to fix that. I scan my photos (& negatives) and find the 'sharpen' not very useful. Even scanning at a high resolution doesn't help but when my photos are developed they turn out fine.
Ray Heath
{K:4559} 4/21/2003
not sharp, reason for using various elements not obvious, two text elements not harmonious visually or thematically
Joćo Figueiredo
{K:7674} 4/21/2003
Remembering mens like Albert Schweitzer is remebering the work of a life dedicated to mankind...