Vikas Kahol
{K:444} 10/4/2007
Lucky you! For you'vve got vast opportunity to capture amazing people and cultures still evading modernity. Your work impresses and inspires.
Shirley Grove
{K:5514} 8/29/2007
Hi James I have to confess- it's the first time I've noticed that wire :) Take care Shirley
* James *
{K:20200} 8/29/2007
my apologies shirley, when i pointed out minor flaws, i did indeed mean minor. and i should have mentioned what they were. one was already noted, another i see is what looks like a wire running thru the hair of the girl on left. i might have cloned that out... most people wont notice it anyway.
take care. james
* James *
{K:20200} 8/29/2007
nice portrait. there are a few minor flaws, but overall its nice. i've suffered from similar setbacks in past work like this... makes me want to go back and do them over again. but its not that simple all the time.
you have a nice portfolio. keep up the good work.
best wishes ~ james
m ,
{K:15872} 8/13/2006
Sometime I wish I could leave among them far from all difficulty we human being created with our foolish mind. You cannot imagine Shirley how delightful is to visit your collected art-work, to observe and consider the natures and the cultures you are sharing. I am beyond words appreciate your ability and ideas! My best complement! Best regards: Maxime
Carlos Pinto-Coelho
{K:308} 7/24/2006
It's about 8 yrs since I don't go back to South Africa and this shot of yours made me feel kind of homesick (I was brought up in nearby Mozambique). What an ambiance in your picture, Shirley! Thank you for sharing.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 7/22/2006
Excellent capture of the traditional decorations and ornamentations of the family, Shirley! Dave.
j esford
{K:13518} 7/20/2006
With a shot like this Shirley, you have to consider yourself fortunate to have gotten such a nice composition regardless of any cropping issues. This is a very nice piece. It's a click on the soft side, better tweaking of focus would accentuate the fine details. Very unique shot. Good job. -john
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 7/20/2006
Beautiful family portrait Shirley, dont think the arm cut off is a problem in this one, at least, I don't find this disturbing . It seemed that they don't bother at all, you taken their picture. Neat shot. Take care,
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 7/20/2006
A nice family shot, Shirley, and all are so beautiful decorated.
Regards, Markus
ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
{K:16316} 7/20/2006
so nice photo ! ..
well done ! ...
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 7/20/2006
Yes, I agree with Jason, too...great portrait, though.
arijit(ratul) talukder
{K:6029} 7/20/2006
nice shot of a smiling family! regarding the framing i agree with jason! keep clicking!! best regards arijit
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 7/20/2006
Good shot Shiley, the only thing i can say is that i wished you had not cut of the girls arm on the left. the colours throughout this shot are great