Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 7/14/2006
many thanks for visiting my profile and your nice comments...i'm so appreciated :)
cheers, MaryaM
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 7/14/2006
Yes, so old but still alive. This architecture and trees will survive us. Sure. So good image. Ez
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/24/2006
graciaaaaaaaaas Josep! you are so kind and i donno how to thank you!
my bests, MaryaM :)
josep alsina
{K:19880} 6/23/2006
Una gran composición y colorido. Un cordial saludo Josep
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/5/2006
thanks a lot for spending time on visiting my profile and your kind words on the piX...it made me so delighted!
MaryaM :)
Jimmy Piper
{K:5742} 6/5/2006
also like this shot, well done.
great composition and contrast.
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 5/25/2006
tx a lot dear Claudia for visiting my profile and leaving comments on my pics...ur nice words are so encouraging and delight me best regards, MaryaM :)
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 5/25/2006
Great shot! Excellent composition.
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 5/25/2006
thanks a lot dear Marian for ur nice words...ur comment is greately appreciated cheers, MaryaM :)
Marian Man
{K:80636} 5/24/2006
excellent capture!!! great composition!!!nice framing with the wall!!! well done dear Maryam best regards Marian
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 5/14/2006
Hi - ur comment is appreciated...many tx for ur concern Tom :)
Tom Gessner
{K:2030} 5/14/2006
Hi Maryam - this is well done picture - I like the framing with the wall and very detailed - good work.
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 4/27/2006
thanks Theresa for ur regards :) wish a beginning full of success in photography my best, MaryaM
Theresa Rankin
{K:938} 4/26/2006
Beautiful! Regards, Theresa
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 4/26/2006
beautiful and related to your studing ....what u mean by any where exept company? please write me more and send me email :samkhosravifard@yahoo.com
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 4/26/2006
tx a lot Nicola :) ur comment is my pleasure ciao, MaryaM
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 4/26/2006
many tx for ur concern and specially ur guide... u r just right...if i aint promised myself not to manipulate my photoes digitally, it could be cropped from the bottom of the tree :p and the image u invited me to check is so great, and also ur other piX :) best wishes, MaryaM
Nicola Barbieri
{K:18000} 4/26/2006
Very nice photo! My best.....ciao, Nicola
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 4/26/2006
wonderful composition and colors. Would be better to clone out those wooden boards on the lower right, and those sand bags on the left of your image.
It is similar to the this one: http://www.usefilm.com/Image.asp?ID=1069252