Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 3/25/2006
Pictures of homeless people always tend to attract a lot of attention.. I wish they triggered compassion and action as well. Great shot.. that dog looks very well fed, and relaxed. I would not be surprised if the man fed him first before feeding himself. Congratulations.
emanuele giomarelli
{K:955} 3/25/2006
great shot!congrats :)
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 3/24/2006
great candid image. I love it. I have a collection more than 55 images in my portfolio!
Selen Sanli
{K:111} 3/24/2006
evet...karisiklik konusunda haklisin...85mm ile cekseydim biraz silik cikabilirdi ve kesinlikle daha iyi olurdu...
kaan yakar
{K:394} 3/24/2006
Guzel bir sokak calismasi. Arkaplandaki insanlar biraz karmasa yaratirken ayni zamanda sujeyide onplana cikariveriyor. ailenin diger ferdide kareyi doldurmus. elinize saglik. selamlar...
Selen Sanli
{K:111} 3/24/2006
thank you :) they really looked like a family...
Amir Mohammadi
{K:4258} 3/24/2006
excellent. you have choosen a very good topic. nice and I love it. I like the dog sleeping there. goood luck. Amir