{K:2720} 2/6/2004
Hi Mattias, I like that out-of-focus and autumn colours, they create interesting athmosphere. Here is hidden own story or fairy tale for everyone who sees it... :) regards, Kadri
{K:9693} 11/6/2003
Excellent photo! Cheers, Jose.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 4/19/2003
This is quite a moody picture. Makes you wonder what is out there in the woods. Don.
Mattias Eklund
{K:2921} 2/25/2003
The small branch is distracting, I agree, it is hard to think of everything when it's cold... Thanks for all the comments, it really gives me alot.
John Myers
{K:4308} 2/24/2003
this is incredible. i love the DOF and the way the edges of the leaves seem to really pop against the background.
Valeh B
{K:890} 2/24/2003
I like the fact that is out of focus and blury! Not all pictures should be sharp and perfect! This is a great image! Bella!
paul durrant
{K:1047} 2/24/2003
i guess everyone has there own opinion. personally i think the exposure fits the scene. it is possible that the leaves that you wanted in focus are perhaps not quite sharp enough but that's nitpicking. the short DOF does IMO suit the shot well. overall i like this and agree that the twig would be better outa there but nice work i think. just for the record i gave it a 7.
Marc Robin
{K:3385} 2/24/2003
Hi, I agree with Eyad on this, the little branch is distracting. The exposure and focus are nice. It portrays Autumn in a forest very well. Marc
eyad shammari
{K:391} 2/24/2003
No its not underexposed, its great with that out of focus, really its great, i like the colours and the composition, but the only thing i don't like is that little branch in the top, because of this i will give you 9, i like the "snowdrop" too, keep posting Mattias, you have a good stuff..
{K:2731} 2/24/2003
Hi Mattias, sorry i had to give you a 2 on this one. But, i will tell you why. underexpossed, you may have got your reading from the sky, and not from your sbuject, the focus is out also, the DOF looks fine in the back drop. Try again.