this is my first attempt at night photography.I upped the speed to get good blacks as there is a lot of ambient light in the area. This is a new bridge built in an area renown for its regency architecture. Your feedback welcome.
Well, Kev, you beat me to it! I have had this new bridge on my hit list for some time but just haven,t got round to it. It looks really good as a night shot and you have got a really good image, framed nicely at the top. It might have had more dynamic appeal as a vertical shot. Did you try that too? I love the star effects - presume that was because you were using f16 and not a filter effect? Look forward to seeing some more of your Mamiya shots.
Kevin: Yes, I think I understand, but I will need to read what you said again to understand it completely as I am just starting to learn some of the more technical parts of photography. You and others on the site are really helping me with this, even by just looking at your great photos. Thanks! Lisa
Hi Lisa, Thanks for the feedback. In order to get a better black I pretended the film was faster than it is so i got less exposure on the film. I then develop the film at its real speed, in this case 100 ASA, technically underprossing it. If it works the negative is thinner, so good quality blacks. Does that make sense, I may not have explained myself well. K
O.K. first I dont know what i did, but its the same image up twice. Second the shutter speed of 30s was at 100 ASA, this was taken at 400ASA and shutter speed adjusted to create a thinner neg. for better blacks.