{K:1451} 3/2/2006
This is nice. Cheers, M.
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 2/18/2006
Dramaticno...svida mi se
ivan ivanovic-hagen
{K:404} 2/18/2006
glede i unatoch tehnickim nedorecenostima - super ! :)
David Mihoci
{K:450} 2/18/2006
thanq all or your comments!!!
Huub Janssen
{K:462} 2/18/2006
I love it....great black&white!! MVG Huub.
Jonathan Boarini
{K:1895} 2/17/2006
Amazing shot, it's beautiful in compostion and subject, very elegant and classy. Jonathan.
Claire Murray
{K:1479} 2/17/2006
i would love to see a cropped version, or with the group in the background removed, as i love the crossed legs on the left. a very striking shot. lovely claire
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 2/17/2006
The highlights down the hall really pull my eye into the scene. Unfortunately that is at the expense of my focus on the running child to the right. This image seems a little off balance to me in regard to the subject and lighting. On the other hand I really like the dynamic elements of it and the low perspective.
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 2/17/2006
Yes, it has a dramatic feel. i think this feeling comes from the high contrast + grains. and anyway, a very nice done and thoughtful shot David!
David Mihoci
{K:450} 2/17/2006
Thanq Karina... yes maybe you are right.
David Mihoci
{K:450} 2/17/2006
Thanq Randee...
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 2/17/2006
Interesting. The legs, the running kid and the overexposed corridor... A bit too much action in the background maybe. But still, nice one!
Randee Armstrong
{K:-820} 2/17/2006
I really like the dramatic feel of this. Well done!