Mary Brown
{K:71879} 3/14/2006
I really like the overall golden tone and the twisty, turning branches. Pretty. MAry
kike Calvo
{K:11291} 2/23/2006
Si señoooooooor!! Que ganas tenía de ver ésta foto Sergio!! Con el lío que tengo no me había dado cuenta que estaba puesta hace tiempo. Me gusta los abstractos que haces de los árboles, las tramas que creas, cada vez que veo un árbol sin hojas a través del visor me acuerdo de ti. Y no podía ser mejor motivo para presentar al público tu nuevo juguete. Si no entiendes algo ya sabes mi dirección. Un abrazo Sergio.
r u t h d r io
{K:4339} 2/23/2006
yo creo que consejos no necesitaras, Sergio, viendo tu primera obra con la d50...ya veras como la vas a disfrutar...que bien ya somos 2!!
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 2/20/2006
Gran abstracto Sergio! Quedó excelente la trama de lineas y matices de la foto. Felicitaciones por la D50!! Un abrazo
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 2/15/2006
Very pretty, the light is very magical and I love its warm color against the snowy branches. Congrats on the new camera. Alison
Heather Cameron Manchak
{K:508} 2/15/2006
beautiful shot and a good advertisement for the Nikon D50....which i'm thinking of purchasing. did you use the lens that came with the kit?
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/15/2006
nice shot with the new camera dear Sergio!!!!! fine composition!!! great lighting!!!!! well done!!! my best regards Marian
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 2/15/2006
Hi Sergio....snow in Madrid, that just doesn't seem right to me. I am pleased that you are enjoying your new camera and this is a lovely shot through the snow laden trees. A great candidate for the project. Well done you, 'see' you soon.....Ray
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 2/15/2006
Wonderful photograph, would make a great post card thankx for your comment Sergio. You did here a good job with your new camera! Riny
Saintz Saintz2
{K:11250} 2/15/2006
Good Light .. Original view, well framed. It's a Crismas shot :-). I would see Santa Claus trought this tree .. :-) Good Shot I like it