Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 2/8/2006
great details. marvelous composition. 7
Adam Coombs
{K:166} 2/8/2006
hi Sudhir, thanks for the comments, i agree with what you are saying...i think maybe better lighting and turing off the flash may sort that issue? cheers Adam
Adam Coombs
{K:166} 2/8/2006
cheers Salem, thanks for taking the time to comment.. Adam
Adam Coombs
{K:166} 2/8/2006
thanks for taking the time to look and comment susan.. cheers Adam
Adam Coombs
{K:166} 2/8/2006
Hey Ashley,
thanks for noticing the little details..i was lucky that all this was on one stem but thats why i chose it! thanks Adam
Adam Coombs
{K:166} 2/8/2006
Hi Chris, thanks for your comments, very much appreciated.. Adam
Sudhir K. Reddy
{K:7583} 2/7/2006
A little overexposed petals but great composition in a leftward framing. I like it a lot!
Salem Salem
{K:423} 2/7/2006
Very good compostion
Susan Hernandez
{K:6487} 2/7/2006
This is beautiful, excellent lighting with a nice composition, I love the contrast between the white flower and the black background, superb work
{K:9427} 2/7/2006
Nice capture. I like the transition that you have captured from the bud, to the partially open flower to the fully open bloom. Nice detail and colour. The lighting really allows the flower to stand out.
Chris Boivin
{K:9030} 2/7/2006
Hi Adam, Nice details and composition. The black background really brings out the lily. Cheers, Chris