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Macro: Yellow and Orange Peppers
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Image Title:  Macro: Yellow and Orange Peppers
Favorites: 0 
 By: Laura E.  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer  Laura E. {Karma:5598}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model Nikon D100
Categories Macro
Still Life
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Fruits/Vegetables
Lens Nikon  28-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF AF
Uploaded 2/6/2006 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 818 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f/11
Critiques 5 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - United States   United States
About Backlit with natural light and shot in RAW. Underexposed a bit and brought the brightness up in PS. However, I am still trying to get more details and shaprer focus. Can anyone provide some advice on flash-fill and extension tubes/teleconvertes?


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There are 5 Comments in 1 Pages
James McGinnis James McGinnis   {K:6045} 3/21/2006
To fix your sharpness, you're going to need a true Macro lense. I don't "do" Nikon so you'll need to ask the Nikon crowd for suggestions. However, the lense you're shooting is really just a consumer grade zoom and to get the so-called "macro" all the lense does is zoom in real tight and gives the illusion of macro.

How do I know this...I did the same thing with a Tamron lense a few years back. Then, for about 500 bucks, I picked up a true Macro (Cannon 100mm f2.8) and WOW!! Huge difference!

You will also want to use a tripod and a cable release. Even the smallest, most un-noticed camera shake will blur your image. If your camera will allow you to do a "mirror lock up", I would also suggest that as an option. Sometimes, just the slap of the mirror will cause the camera to shake, leading to a less than desireable image.

Your composition is good, the lighting is nearly just need the right gear to get this shot the way you imagined it!

Keep shooting...great work in progress!


kokupsy_un morita kokupsy_un morita   {K:2651} 2/14/2006
what a lovely red. i like this composition.
great picture.


Michael Kramer Michael Kramer   {K:566} 2/9/2006
First off dont give up. Second know that Raw in ALWAYS going to be a little soft. You need to learn how to use raw processing software. It took me a long long time to learn that software and the correct sharpening tools are not a bad thing. Many on these web sites will try and tell you that any sharpening is bad and it simply is not true.

Third there are many fine teaching guides to practical macro photography. I really like John Shaws Close Ups in Nature. It has a very fine discussion of Nikon equipment and how to use it with extension, tubes and bellows as well as turning lenses around, using long lenses and many other tips. Highlyh recommended. Hope it helps. Take Care --Mike


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 2/9/2006
Wow, eye popping tones, refeshing beauty, masterful work my friend.


Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 2/8/2006

If you want sharper focus DO NOT use extention tubes, or teleconverters... Even zoom lenses are less than best, but better than the above mentioned options...

To get the best images use prime lenses with fixed focal lengths, such as a 60mm, 50mm, 100mm ect...

You will have to play with the fill flash using your equipment to see what you can do... I have a vintage Metz 45 series handle flash and a cheap Vivitar 2800... The Metz has a Main flash and a fill flash...

Your lighting temperature changes with each differant light source you use... Your flash should be around 6000K, sunlight is 5500KB, tungsten is 3200K...

To shoot digital well you must 1st understand film... I still don't understand digital and I think I know film a little bit... LMAO


PS. Your problem is the cheap glass your using... G series glass is plastic and not good... Always remember, the glass is at least twice the price of you camera regarding most lenses, if not 3 times the cost...




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