Kelly Anbach
{K:4375} 1/3/2004
Excellent night photography. Nice crisp shot. My regards! Did you shoot this in manual?
Baturalp Torun
{K:2426} 10/4/2003
great night shot.. very very nice.. it is better after perspective correction..
Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 9/3/2003
Great shot.
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 3/21/2003
Lovely night shot. Well done Roy.
Larry Edwards
{K:843} 1/7/2003
Very beautiful building, nice exposure. I think symmetry is important in a shot like this; I would have taken a couple of steps to the right, to line up the center of the fountain with the building's center doorway.
chris meyer
{K:597} 1/7/2003
Night shots with slide film is tricky. You may have had better success with the exposure by using a higher latitude film such as colour negative or black & white. Try correcting the colour balance in PS.
Rose Hooper
{K:899} 1/2/2003
Hi John, Being picky is fine :) I shot it in 1/2 stop intervals, and the lower exposure ones lacked detail in the shadows and other important areas of building... and the uilding roof had no detail. The higher exposure ones blow out too much detail.
John Charlton
{K:5595} 1/2/2003
God, I hate being critical when the photograph is this good.
Everything is great and my Canadian heart is beaming with pride, but would this photograph have been even better if it had received less exposure? Perhaps F:11 or even F:16. I can almost see the hands on the clock but not quite.
Luke C
{K:2105} 1/2/2003
Mr. Hooper,
It's an absolutely gorgeous photo. I'm trying desperately to master night photography, so I'm quite envious :-) Anyhow, it's quite good...a bit tilted...just a tad, but minor. Excellent shot. ~Luke
Rose Hooper
{K:899} 1/1/2003
Before perspective correction...
