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Critiques From Christopher Peace

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Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
10/3/2006 11:40:29 PM

Leonardo you do AWESOME photojournalism work. I'm definately an admirer of your work. Great job on this one.
        Photo By: Leo Régnier  Я£  (K:67696)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
10/3/2006 11:37:58 PM

Nice shot, and great cropping, seems a BIT underexposed.
        Photo By: Scott Sykes  (K:350)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
10/3/2006 11:33:28 PM

To me there is something visually uneasy about it, because no subject other than the most distracting element (the wreath) is centered. Wow though, I mean, its an AWESOME shot, and I'm jealous, but it shows how well you worked with what you had. Very very nice.
        Photo By: Bill Ford  (K:101)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
10/3/2006 11:23:39 PM

Wow, VERY nice job. The sharpness and detail in this photo is second to none. There is an interesting element in the photo that links the subjects and the water nearby. Great job!
        Photo By: Aykaan K  (K:13601) Donor

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
10/3/2006 11:21:59 PM

Outstanding sports journalism shot. It really looks like it should be in a newspaper. Great color balance, getting that nice true red. I'm seeing a lot of jpeg artifacting though.
        Photo By: Ryan Torres  (K:411)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
5/29/2006 11:58:58 PM

Pan, ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING, PLEASE TEACH ME HOW TO DO WHAT YOU DO. Any chance you'll get prints done eventually?

Is there anyway I can talk to you outside of Usefilm?
        Photo By: pan g.  (K:16899)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
4/18/2006 12:35:08 PM

        Photo By: Lenny Perry  (K:456)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
4/18/2006 1:01:20 AM

Pan, AWESOME job, you know how much I admire your work. Do you sell prints? Let me know I'd love to purchase some!

        Photo By: pan g.  (K:16899)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
3/14/2006 11:33:54 PM

Mr. Boers, I see that you are finally stateside. Welcome home and thank you for the critique soldier! HOOAH!!!
        Photo By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
3/13/2006 4:35:12 PM

Awesome infared least thats what I THINK it is. I really need to get one of those filters.
        Photo By: pan g.  (K:16899)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
3/3/2006 8:01:49 PM

Pan, this is another work that I absolutely love. Thank you for your critiques on my latest images.

I just find it amazing that guys like me take digital images, and try to get that raw, gritty feel, but you do it on film, and in my opinion, making you part of a dying breed of artists. I wish I had half the talent you do.

You absolutely sure you dont' want a website done????
        Photo By: pan g.  (K:16899)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 11:10:47 PM

I love this one, because to me its an interesting contrast between the machinary of war and the reminder that MEN are the ones who make them work.

Just looking at the mech units is impressive enough, but it helps to remind ourselves that its still our boys in there.
        Photo By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 11:07:58 PM

WONDERFUL Job Pierre. The wood grain is perfect, I really just wish he was using a bow instead of his fingers...would have looked a lot more elegant, but you play with the cards you're dealt. Great job.
        Photo By: Pierre Martin  (K:3355)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 11:02:53 PM

On second thought, have you considered making it a black and white?
        Photo By: Manu    (K:13082)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 11:02:25 PM

Wow, very nice work...the detail in the wood is awesome, and the color is very old, and rustic feeling.
        Photo By: Manu    (K:13082)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:57:34 PM

Hermin, great shot here, if you could somehow make the center subjects just a bit more sharp, you'd have a way better photograph, but if not, you've still done a WONDERFUL job.
        Photo By: hermin abramovitch  (K:1915)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:56:32 PM

WOW, shouldn't that guy have pads on? I'd assume this is training, but if I'm assuming wrong you've captured quite a moment here.
        Photo By: Rui  Baess  (K:590) Donor

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:55:30 PM

I don't know why, but when I first saw this image I couldn't stop thinking about the famous video of Lee Harvey Oswald getting shot by Jack Ruby. Anyway, very nice image.
        Photo By: Renato Barattucci  (K:133)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:53:07 PM

Looks very scary, but I think that the graniness really hurts this image.
        Photo By: Kamran Bakhtiari  (K:24048)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:50:30 PM

Wow, awesome shot here Christopher. The colors are vivid and interesting, and the lights draw you in. The sky is also very smooth and beautiful. Great skyline shot.
        Photo By: Christopher Jamison  (K:1230)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:45:25 PM

Wow, very dark, but I wish there was a bit more light. I know the atmosphere you are going for, but for me it falls short if there isn't a bit more definition to the subject.
        Photo By: marcin klepacki  (K:944)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:44:03 PM

Wow, VERY wierd and interesting shot. I like it a lot.
        Photo By: Davide Bressanello  (K:3103)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:40:30 PM

Very very nice Macro here Khaled. If I were you I'd run a color noise reduction in order to get the grain out. Then up the saturation to a more vivid yellow, then hit it with Unsharp Mask to get those edges really crisp. Great work.
        Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud  (K:54005)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:38:26 PM

Absolutely wonderful, that painting effect is awesome...If I didn't know any better I would have thought it was a painting.
        Photo By: Mitchell Miller  (K:3009)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:37:35 PM

Very cool Mitchell, I would use the blur tool a little bit on the edges of the subject in order to blend it a bit more into the picture.
        Photo By: Mitchell Miller  (K:3009)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:36:19 PM

I really really love these wonderful painting effects. How exactly do you accomplish this?
        Photo By: Mitchell Miller  (K:3009)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:34:43 PM

Wonderful work Mitchell, however,it seems like the subject has been over sharpened, and in some places she appears even a bit transparent. Still great work though...wish I could do stuff like this.
        Photo By: Mitchell Miller  (K:3009)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:28:03 PM

I agree, the fence is a bit distracting, but overall great picture.
        Photo By: baldacci baldacci  (K:412)

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/21/2006 10:18:43 PM

Hey, I just wanted to give you compliments on this photograph, I'm wondering exactly how you got the lighting...a flash perhaps?

Anyway, I just felt you should know that my lastest upload was dedicated to you and my combat photographer friend Andrew Pendraki USMC.

Stay safe.
        Photo By: Johancharles Boers  (K:4370) Donor

Critique By: Christopher Peace  (K:1340)  
2/20/2006 11:03:38 PM

Oh by the way Pan, my latest upload was dedicated to you Just thought you'd wanna know.
        Photo By: pan g.  (K:16899)

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