Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
10/7/2008 3:20:25 PM
Thank you Gosia.
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Saad Salem (K:89003)
10/6/2008 2:57:46 PM
very beautiful colors,and composition,regards, Saad.
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
stingRay pt.4 . (K:250401)
10/6/2008 1:17:03 PM
These boots were made for splashing and that's just what they will do. Ah, Sheila....a lovely idea, nicely composed with some lovely rippling effects in the water. Well done to you sweetie. All the best as always and more hugs of course....Ray
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
stingRay pt.4 . (K:250401)
10/6/2008 12:29:47 PM
Hiya sweetie.....This is a beautiful Autumnal scene and your pretty little daughter provides us with the scale of the tree. The colour tones are gorgeous and the depth is superb. Well done to you sweet Sheila. Hugs and very best wishes as always....Ray
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
10/6/2008 2:04:37 AM
Thanks so much Paul! I just might be taking you up on that offer! :)
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Fabiola Barrientos (K:8169)
10/6/2008 1:15:16 AM
Wuawww, beautiful color and place....like a dream Sheila.:)
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Paul Lara (K:88111)
10/6/2008 12:49:12 AM
This is a great shot, Sheila. Yeah, CS3 is AMAZING for photographers. I've been using it for a year now, so feel free to ask if you have any technique questions.
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Rasna 69 (K:8916)
10/5/2008 10:37:01 PM
che bella foto!! veramente autunnale,ottimi questi colori! ottimo dettaglio,ti č venuta molto "soft"..trasmette tanta serenitŕ. Brava! ciao:)
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Mitra Nademi-Nassari (K:28234)
10/5/2008 10:20:30 PM
Beautiful shot, colors and work.
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Gosia Kaliniak (K:1953)
10/5/2008 10:16:56 PM
Excellent picture! I love this colours, light and mood! Very good work with CS3! Cheers!
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
10/5/2008 4:13:55 PM
Muchas gracias por lo lindo comentario!
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
10/5/2008 4:13:23 PM
Thank you Rita!
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
10/5/2008 4:12:53 PM
La ringrazio molto per voi piacevole commento!
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Rasna 69 (K:8916)
10/5/2008 7:16:51 AM
ottimo lavoro!! bellissima inquadratura,Brava!!7+++++! Ciao
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Rita Iszlai (K:353)
10/5/2008 5:25:40 AM
These boots are fantastic! Very nice photo with great effects!
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
10/5/2008 5:22:20 AM
Muy simpática, excelente la composición.
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
10/3/2008 3:45:56 PM
Hello Dear Friend! Of course I remember you! It's great to hear from you! I hope all is well with you and your family.
I kind of disappeared for a while last year too. I just got too dang busy, but then I realized that photography is such a huge passion for me and I love it so much that I just have to find the time. I haven't found the time to post my 4 a day, but one here or there will satisfy my creative side for now.
I'm off to see what great stuff you have posted! Welcome back my friend and thank you for the nice comment!
:) Sheila
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
stingRay pt.4 . (K:250401)
10/3/2008 3:13:29 PM
Hi there sweet Sheila. Remember me? I'm back on UF but only on a limited time basis. He still looks a fabulous young man and you have composed beautifully in these wonderful monochromatic tones. Great details in the shot and that same way way gorgeous smile. Lovely work sweetie, well done to you. My very best wishes to you as always and I hope you are all keeping well. Lots of hugs from Ray.
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
9/29/2008 2:53:01 AM
Thanks Nessa!
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
vanessa shakesheff (K:68840)
9/23/2008 6:56:10 PM
Lovely little boy ..like the b&w ..lovely capture..nessa
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Ferran Lacruz (K:5466)
9/19/2008 5:51:25 PM
Original image, very nice colors. Un saludo Ferran
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
9/19/2008 4:12:42 PM
Thank you Bill.
Have you ever been to the Pike Place Market and seen the Pike Place Fish Co.? They are world famous for their fish throwing. If someone wants to buy a fish, all the workers start yelling back and forth to get the crowd all excited. Once everyone is excited, the guy in front of the counter will throw the fish through the air where it will land perfectly into the other guy's hands (the one behind the counter). It's really quite a show!
I grew up going to the Pike Place Market on the weekends. We'd have breakfast and then shop the Market. It was always an exciting place. I still get caught up in the excitement! The Market is so much fun, I feel like a tourist ever time I'm down there!
As for King or Dungeness...I really love them both!
Thanks again for the nice comment! Sheila
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Bill Long (K:3306)
9/18/2008 10:44:23 PM
Super image, Sheila.
Can you imagine how much goes into creating these displays?
As for myself, I prefer the king crab over the dungeness. But my sister-in-law says the dungeness is to die for...
Regards, Bill
PS Wonderful slice of Americana
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
9/18/2008 5:45:31 PM
Thank you Sid. I always love it when photographers give me good advice to improve my work! Thank you for the suggestion of using different tones. I will go and play with this photo some more and see what I can come up with. Please keep up with the great critiques!! Now I'm off to add you as a friend...
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Sheila Carson (K:5924)
9/16/2008 5:19:54 PM
Thanks Ruth. This guy is quite the little funny man. He's always trying to get a laugh with his many silly faces. I just loved this shot. It's him in a nut shell! :)
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Leora Long (K:11135)
9/16/2008 2:05:57 PM
I did not realize that, Sheila. Your "D" photo is already in my favorites. She is beautiful and growing up fast. Best regards....
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Ruth Butler (K:403)
9/16/2008 6:34:03 AM
What a great and true portrait.
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Sid Banerjee (K:3127)
9/16/2008 5:23:16 AM
Hi sheila , thank you so very much for your inspiring comments, I realy appreciate you taking your time out for the pics that I have uploaded...thanks once again. This pic portrays serenity to the hilt , try different tonning to give a surreal calmness.... and now on we are friends what say???
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
Robin W (K:16308)
9/15/2008 2:59:21 PM
I can see slamming on the brakes when driving past this scene. ;) Fantastic landscape Sheila...really well done! Love the presentation.
Take care...Robin
Photo By: Sheila Carson
Critique By:
jacques brisebois (K:73883)
9/14/2008 11:05:33 PM
very nice capture, really love the salm atmosphere of this little paradise, perfect exposure and panoramic composition, real nice landscape in the background. Perfect job Sheila
Photo By: Sheila Carson