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Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/29/2005 2:27:21 PM

Wow, so crispy sharp, so 'real' looking ... and yet there's enough blur to communicate the movement, so elegant and simultaneously delicate. And those just as clear and sharp reflections! The illumination is perfect: you've picket the right capture angle and the right time of day .. you're the best Darlene! ..Gab
        Photo By: Darlene Boucher  (K:15739)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/29/2005 2:18:30 PM

Excellent capture angle, and an even better composition of that building cluster. "Teeth in the urban landscape" I call them, very fancy ones at that. You've chosen the perfect sky as background, just the right backdrop for the blue. Blue and white have always, for me, been a most elegant combination. And I love that pattern of clouds reflected on the window glass. A wonderfully attractive image Mohamed ...Gab
        Photo By: Mohamed Banna  (K:34237)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/29/2005 3:27:23 AM

Maybe he don't feel too good! ... maybe he broke up with his 'sweetheart' ... could be more serious .. Safe capture from afar Robert, an emotively expressive image of this 'big guy' ..Gabi
        Photo By: Robert Lewis  (K:491)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/29/2005 2:59:18 AM

Flowing tones, French-curved lines, fluid shadows, and mesmerizing almost golden Anodize aluminum-like color ... pure art Laurie ... Wonderful!!! ..Gab
        Photo By: Laurie Gould  (K:11942)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/29/2005 2:46:38 AM

Yup Laurie, he took of about three seconds after he heard my camera's shutter ... here's the next shot I took of him (taking off) ...
        Photo By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/28/2005 6:50:33 PM

Thank you kindly Darlene ... high praise, a distinct honor coming from such a master at capturing birds ...Gab
        Photo By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/28/2005 6:47:15 PM

Beautiful image, expertly composed into thirds: the wall, the dock surface,and the water with the boat. I'm attracted by the diversity: earth tones as background for that multi-colored boat. Good dof and nice touch to add that boy: it brings scale to the whole ... I love it! ..Gab
        Photo By: mario balzan  (K:579)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/28/2005 6:37:53 PM

Way to go Robert!!! .. Congrats for a well deserved award ... this is so deserving! ...Gabi
        Photo By: Robert Lewis  (K:491)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/28/2005 5:31:50 PM

Composizione molto creativa della cattedrale de maestro Brunelleschi. Un'icona architettonica classica esperto incorniciata da una finestra oscura simile della stessa forma circolare -- una affascinare inquadratura, una tonalità con una gradazione regolare .. Io amo a Firenze ancho ... complimentissimi Claudia ...Gab
        Photo By: Claudia Perilli  (K:31090)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/28/2005 4:57:08 PM

A flashy palette of coffee tones .. and that dark brown edge looks like lace. Nice touch to see that splash of light (a reflected light bulb?) that could represent the sun burning that lace. Very well composed .. a very creative abstract Mohamed ...Gab
        Photo By: Mohamed Banna  (K:34237)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/28/2005 2:52:16 PM

That lens of your loves kids! This photo comes in a very intriguing flavor. For some reason unbeknownst I assessed that he wears a "Sherlock Holmes" hat; his eyes and mouth looking slightly suspicious reinforces that. Creative composition: you've covered the thirds, with the hat on the upper, the shade on the middle, and sunlight below. It's a nice touch that where the shade ends and the sunlight starts the outline forms an "S" that so cutely creates a contour what looks like a smile on one cheek and a frown on the other ... elementarily charming Dr. Watson! ...Gab
        Photo By: Susie OConnor  (K:34798)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/28/2005 2:26:16 PM

Thank you kindly Susie. Your commentary made me feel good about this because I personally like it so much. BTW, I had to take several shots (about 10) to get it right ... night photography, for me, is more like trial and error .. Gab
        Photo By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 11:56:29 PM

A better than good combination of visual elements. I find this a creative use of light and shadow: the fore-shadow band, the circle shadow from the merry-go-round within the second sun-lit band, then that band (strip) of grass, then that fence in such sharp detail, the tree as backdrop for the boy, followed by that river, a shoreline, and another fence (with angles like those in the merry-go-round), and more vegetation .. all the tones going along harmoniously well together .. excellent! ...Gab.
        Photo By: Robert Lewis  (K:491)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 11:48:41 PM

O Wow! Astounding composition, such cheerful colors, and what a triumvirate! The branch marking a diagonal makes for a very good composition, the focus is exceptional and the dof is just right. You've caught an unusual moment in a very enjoyable way .. entertaining for sure ... superb photography Robert .. Bravo!! ...Gabi
        Photo By: Robert Lewis  (K:491)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 11:44:42 PM

This one's a joy to look at .. "Muy simpático" ... simply charming; a diverse collection of elements that go together perfectly well. And I love how different each kid's expression is. The B&W tones are smooth and the contrast is just right. Focus and dof are 'pro.' And sitting the three on that open van door provides the ideal darker backdrop to accent their figure .. this is you at your best Robert .. great ... I love it! ..Gabi
        Photo By: Robert Lewis  (K:491)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 9:37:01 PM

This is absolutely outstanding. You've captured a precious instant: when that one drop hits the boy's chin and fans out, making him look like he's grown a goatee. Your choice of shutter speed is 'right on,' and the focus communicates the wetness. More than that you've captured the boy, so absorbed and emotionally satisfied, in a way we can share it with him .. Another striking image Darlene ... just super! ..Gab
        Photo By: Darlene Boucher  (K:15739)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 9:29:41 PM

Excellent on several levels. The composition with the herons perching on that delicate diagonal branch, the dof gradually blurring that green tree bush so beautifully towards the background, and that background a perfect backdrop that makes the two birds really stand out. Your focus is so immaculate; I feel I've been invited to your personal window to help you admire these exquisite birds. You're sooo good!! ..Gab
        Photo By: Darlene Boucher  (K:15739)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 9:22:04 PM

I like this version better, less distraction from the color while maintaining all the action and ambiance. It's definitely more powerful Robert ...Gab
        Photo By: Robert Lewis  (K:491)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 3:26:12 PM

ma che bella!! Ottima veramente, tutto perfetto, e che colori alegres e festivos ... ciao cara amica .. Gab
        Photo By: Claudia Perilli  (K:31090)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 3:20:02 PM

Profundo tema el de esta imagen. Veo un maniquí tras el cristal de su escaparate, y detrás veo otro reflejo de el mismo, como un sueño. Pero aún más detrás esta el trasfondo de la realidad. Sabes que me recordó la canción "De Cartón Piedra" de un insigne canta-autor Catalán de nombre Joan Manuel Serrat. Excepcional mi amigo, y todo está profesionalmente compuesto: el arreglo de elementos, el foco y completo dof, y hasta el hermoso vestido que la engalana .. maravillosa imagen .. una A+++ (un 7) . Gab
        Photo By: Ferran Lacruz  (K:5466)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 3:09:59 PM

Excellent capture, even better composition. Several elements of this piece catch my attention: the upper wedge of the sky reflected on the water sets a strong diagonal for your composition; moreover, it crosses over the reflected heron. What's more important to me is the symbolism of the reflection: it confirms your about in the sense it tells me the problem of searching for food is over for the heron (therefore he is reflected like a past dream) while the stork's problem is still real and present. Wow! Such and appropriate dof (with the unreflected stork in perfect focus .. and love that red accent (the legs and beak) at the top .. excellent photographic work Sam ... Gab
        Photo By: Sam Kh  (K:19017)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 2:54:14 PM

What a soft heart that lens of yours has. You?ve captured a tender moment, radiating love and devotion. The side profile of the silhouette of the woman shows such deep attachment, and with the slight bend towards her the man responds to her. Heartwarming ... Excellent capture of an intimate moment .. Photography at its best Galal! ...Gab
        Photo By: Galal El Missary  (K:84569)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 2:39:48 PM

The composition stands out: the predominantly diagonal pattern because of the way they are lined up. The variety of tones of color and textures within a very simple palette is remarkable. The focus and the dof are excellent. Yet it's the flavor I sense from the old-world ornamental etchings carved into each pot (specially their slight shadow) that is so pleasant for me. A wonderful image Galal ...Gab
        Photo By: Galal El Missary  (K:84569)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 2:29:39 PM

So creative. I've taken a lot of photos of children and I never caught this pose. It seems so logical: children are little people that must spend a great deal of time and trouble looking up to adults. This one clearly expresses amazement, a frequent occurrence at that age. You've captured a universal moment like a pro ... great composition with the curved diagonal of the body, perfect dof and an excellent blurred background ... superb! ...Gab
        Photo By: Susie OConnor  (K:34798)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 1:57:14 AM

Kessia, I'm pleased my comment has been so well received. Here's my version using PS (Edit, Transformation, Skew -- sliding the top 'handles' towards the outside along a guide line that runs across the top of the image) ... as you've notice: the cropping necessary to make it rectangular loses part of the image... therefore a wide angle 'PC' lens is better. ..Gab
        Photo By: Kessia & Morgan UVA  (K:7265)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/27/2005 12:11:39 AM

There's a lot I like here: the detail on the buildings, the character of the space, and the wonderful range of sepia tonality. Capturing this much and make it hold together is very difficult, but you've pulled it through. On a personal level, I would have used a PC (perspective control) lens or adjusted the building's verticals with PS "Skew." Normally when photographing a building, the camera has to be tilted upward to include the upper part of the structure. This results in vertical lines that converge toward the top, making the buildings appear they are leaning backward. a 'PC' lens, the Adobe PS "Skew" or the best: go far enough back to keep the camera level ... which in a crowded city is usually not possible. Regardless, I love this image .. great photographic work.. Gab
        Photo By: Kessia & Morgan UVA  (K:7265)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/26/2005 11:59:20 PM

Spellbinding .. I believe you can hypnotize a person with this image! .. what an outstanding macro: great dof, a feast of colors, enticing composition ... great photographic work ... Gab
        Photo By: Kessia & Morgan UVA  (K:7265)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/26/2005 11:53:55 PM

An engaging smile and that friendly look in his eyes, and the expression of the hand and fingers.. looks like a young man I'd like to know more about! .. Great composition and amazingly sharp focus (love that dof with blurred background) .. This image looks so real I feel he's here in real life .. great photographic craftsmanship Darlene ... Gab
        Photo By: Darlene Boucher  (K:15739)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/26/2005 11:41:58 PM

Exciting! Wonderful image of crashing water, especially from that rare perspective! Excellent dof and just that small amount of blur (on the foaming water to the left) to communicate the wave action. First class composition and love that turquoise blue-green color.. simply marvelous .. a very creative photo Mohamed... Gab
        Photo By: Mohamed Banna  (K:34237)

Critique By: Gabriel Fuentes  (K:6565)  
7/26/2005 11:31:31 PM

Extraordinary image, as if a cloud layer descended just to eye level. The colors simple and blend so well, the detail of the silhouette tree so sharp, and the overall effect this landscape inspires is of wonder ... exotically and hauntingly beautiful Lukasz ..Gab
        Photo By: Lukasz Kuczkowski  (K:14687)

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