Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 11:41:58 PM
Exciting! Wonderful image of crashing water, especially from that rare perspective! Excellent dof and just that small amount of blur (on the foaming water to the left) to communicate the wave action. First class composition and love that turquoise blue-green color.. simply marvelous .. a very creative photo Mohamed... Gab
Photo By: Mohamed Banna
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 11:31:31 PM
Extraordinary image, as if a cloud layer descended just to eye level. The colors simple and blend so well, the detail of the silhouette tree so sharp, and the overall effect this landscape inspires is of wonder ... exotically and hauntingly beautiful Lukasz ..Gab
Photo By: Lukasz Kuczkowski
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 11:22:02 PM
This image makes postcards look unprofessional! What grandeur, so splendidly panoramic, yet so rich in close-up detail (especially that white picket fence). The old lighthouse, the quaint houses, that gorgeous tree like an overgrown bonsai, that row of flowers accompanying the bending road, and to top it all: that fog showing its face on the left, to remind viewers why the lighthouse is there. Extraordinary Maestro! ...Gab
Photo By: Marcus Armani
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 11:14:55 PM
Splendida, davvero stupenda immagine Claudia ... La prospettiva e la luce sono veramente speciali ... di un punto di vista eccezionale... gran bella luce! ... complimentissimi ...Gab
Photo By: Claudia Perilli
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 11:06:39 PM
A delicate expression so well presented Kathy: the eyes with the eyebrows and the mouth say volumes. I sense his disapproval of something. Great capture ... excellent photo work ... Gab
Photo By: Kathy Hillard
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 11:01:53 PM
Charming and adorable image. Love that sparkle in her eyes, her 'Mona LIsa' smile, her arms extended up, and such a sweet gorgeous face... superb! The sepia tones are expertly rendered, and the lighting is "pro." What a wonderful portrait. A+++ (7) ...Gab
Photo By: Chris Nichols
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 10:57:15 PM
I think he's frustrated (didn't get any peanuts?) .. maybe he's simply in love with that rock .. regardless, it's a great image .. wonderful color, great focus .. I love it!! ..Gab
Photo By: Robert Lewis
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 10:54:16 PM
Nice how you put this one together, the composition having two of the angles of the pool table yet leaving the top edge of aligned in paralel with your picture frame; the background elements are so colorful and describe the ambiance of the place; and of course the blurred ball accompanied with the stick and your hand for 'action.' I'd like to see this in B&W, but then it would be a much more serious image .. great work Robert! ... Gab
Photo By: Robert Lewis
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 10:47:44 PM
Parts of this I'm delighted with: the halo outlining the kid's head has the same color as accents in the background, and the color of the ball is so well suited for the palette -- it blends so well yet it stands out as an important element should. The background lighting is muted (meaning it's not blindingly white) which helps bring out the forms in this silhouette ... Robert, you are taking on challenging environments .. I'm impressed .. ..Gab
Photo By: Robert Lewis
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 2:19:37 AM
I love this image. Perfect dof, focus so good I see raindrops. I'm charmed by the simple palette of colors, and the composition is so well balanced. Yet what makes this image so good is the expression of shivering cold and wetness conveyed by the bird in full side profile. Outstanding photographic work Darlene, considering you had to protect very expensive equipment from getting wet! ...Gab
Photo By: Darlene Boucher
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 1:19:52 AM
My first impression after reading the title was: this must be that hill in Jerusalem on which the Temple of antiquity was built. The tree (almost a bonsai) had a halo backlight, as does the hill .. strong religious symbolism. Then I read on and saw the location: Utah's Zion National Park. Very well presented composition Alex. I love the way the silhouetted profile of the hill makes a diagonal.You have a creative eye.. Gab
Photo By: Alex Trumbull
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/26/2005 12:55:19 AM
Here's the color original...
Photo By: Gabriel Fuentes
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/25/2005 8:23:25 PM
Siento la vibración en las cuerdas de esa guitarra, me disfruto el sombrero de paja, la maraca 'hecha en casa,' y los dos diapasones de las guitarras en paralelo; casi puedo palpar la letra de la música que se filtra por esa mellada dentadura .. ?Super! ..Gab
Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/25/2005 8:19:28 PM
?Que muchos elementos alegres capturaste en esta imagen! Presentaste el conjunto musical con todos sus instrumentos frente al telón de esa enorme ventana azul enrejillada, el colorido festivo de sus atavíos, todo en una excelente composición con el punto de fuga completamente a la derecha. Los adoquines son prácticamente idénticos a los que tenemos en el Viejo San Juan, hasta las banquetas las tenemos todavía aquí (las usan los limpiabotas) ... Tremendísima imagen mi talentoso amigo, ?que bien! ...Gab
Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/25/2005 7:21:10 PM
Thank you kindly Carolyn. I've been admiring your portfolio and couldn't help but be impressed by your eye for taking images of the young... Gab
Photo By: Gabriel Fuentes
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/25/2005 7:10:15 PM
This is well put together: the eyes with that far-away look, the face cuddled between the arms and hands, the head tilted down, and of course the expression in the mouth... Eloquent Kathy ... great dof, beautiful B&W tones, excellent crop, and the texture of his shirt keep the light from overwhelming the whole .. Great work.. AGAIN!!! ...Gab
Photo By: Kathy Hillard
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/25/2005 5:10:22 AM
Oh wow! I'm really impressed with this .. you are a pro! Wonderful view, great composition with the diagonal of the hull, great color, and old Stars and Stripes makes the perfect accent ... I like it MUCHO! .. Gab
Photo By: Chris Hunter
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/25/2005 4:56:00 AM
This is adorable, what a capture angle! Just the right dof, great focus, colors that go so delightfully well together, and I find her expression sublime. Presenting both her eyebrows so fully and clearly is creative photo work Kathy ... I like your work MUCHO! ... Gab
Photo By: Kathy Hillard
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/25/2005 2:39:55 AM
Delightful composition with the tail almost aligned with the leg and perpendicular to the beak which continues the orange line to the eyes. You've caught him in a rare pose, with just the right dof .. I love the combination of colors ... excellent work! ..Gab
Photo By: Jason Mckeown
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/25/2005 2:09:12 AM
This one is a work of art, how you've taken advantage of the proper illumination to get the web to show so clear, and the dof that shows it all so sharp, and the perfectly blurred background as a backdrop. Excellent photographic craftsmanship Darlene .. I'm impressed ... Gab
Photo By: Darlene Boucher
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/25/2005 1:58:04 AM
Wow ... Extraordinary .. and so hard to get done right! ..You've impressed me with your absolutely exciting presentation. The composition is perfect: you've caught a diagonal on the whole span of wing while his head is practically vertical. The dof is perfect, and the action is dramatic: I assess he's coming in for a landing, full flaps on the right wind, guiding with the tail, and his landing gear deployed. What a complete show! ... excellent aerial photography Darlene... Gab
Photo By: Darlene Boucher
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/24/2005 8:22:02 PM
You've rendered a magical, haunting and enchanting spectacle ... yet it has a somewhat spooky atmosphere, so beautifully so. There is a radiance that emanates from the figure in the boat .. and Monocolor and B&W works perfectly well. Overall a gorgeous aura that keeps me wanting to come back to it ... superb photographic work and composition! A+++ (7) ...Gab
Photo By: ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/24/2005 7:23:00 PM
Exciting capture: the tall ship at a classic angle, making port; the drama of the wave bouncing off the wall showing both the reflected component and the part that rises towards the light post. I like the VP (vanishing point) following the wall that goes to infinity in the horizon, and that spectacular sky that provides such depth... Excellent photography! ...Gab
Photo By: Mark Evans
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/24/2005 6:42:43 PM
Claudia, la tua immagine prima, semplicemente Grandiosa e ben composta, emotivamente clássica ... Complimenti ed un abbraccio cara amica ..Gab
Photo By: Claudia Perilli
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/24/2005 6:32:55 PM
Beautiful silhouettes! Love the touch of green on the drooping leaves (you captured just the right measure of illumination here: sprinkled about in small amounts), and the wonderful blue blurred backdrop. The composition is excellent with the stems and leaves in a diagonal. The more I look at it the more I like it .. great work! ..Gab
Photo By: Ivan Møllebjerg
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/24/2005 6:25:34 PM
Appropriate composition with charming perspective: I sense the ambiance as if I were standing under it, and I love that splash of light on the brick wall right behind the lamp and the splash of lamp's shadow under it. A very pleasant combination: the yellow and blue colors of the lamp and then the one translucent panel illuminated, the other in perfect shadow .. good photographic work ... Gab
Photo By: Ivan Møllebjerg
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/24/2005 3:28:43 PM
This is so beautiful, so elegant, such a wonderful combination of form, color, texture, pattern and detail ... and expert use of illumination .. great photographic craftsmanship Mohamed ...Gab
Photo By: Mohamed Banna
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/24/2005 3:10:06 PM
Wonderfully rendered! I like the main diagonal with four ropes accompanied with smaller, less prominent, lines that become triangles due to the different tone of blue or the seam. The rough texture of ropes is so well balance by the grain of the cloth. So very well composed Mohamed, excellent work! ..Gab
Photo By: Mohamed Banna
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/24/2005 3:03:12 PM
Thank you Liz, Kathy, Mohamed and grazie Claudia ... I should add that my niece's name is Michelle but I've always called her "Michi" ...and for many years I've included that Japanese character you see at the bottom right of the image. It translates to "Michi" and in Japanese it means "the road, the path, the trail" ... Gab
Photo By: Gabriel Fuentes
Critique By:
Gabriel Fuentes (K:6565)
7/24/2005 4:18:49 AM
Yup, PS gave you a hand, a good one. On the creative side the first impression I get of the face of the boy holding his bay sister is: "I'm the one who gets to introduce the newest member of the Adams's family?" ... Now I mean that in a nice way, cause that background looks pretty gothic to me. And overall it makes for a very alluring image, one that makes me want to know more about who these two are, and moreover: who are they gonna become! .. I find this image entertaining on more than one level Kathy. Your photo has a classical combination of colors, and the dof on the two and the PS work is so well done. Yet it's the expression on the boy's face that carries the piece ... A successful work of art dear, good for you! ...Gab
Photo By: Kathy Hillard