Critique By:
Lukasz Kuczkowski (K:14687)
6/28/2005 10:55:16 AM
wonderful portrait; like the details here; good work
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
whoiswho t (K:10700)
6/28/2005 9:42:10 AM
) I was pleased with this photo in the morning work hours...
a good intellect capture, well done.
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Rodulf Gomez (K:1243)
6/28/2005 9:01:22 AM
Wonderful portrait. Excellent tones and lighting. Nicely done. Congrats Lo Cascio!
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Colin Cartwright (K:15699)
6/28/2005 8:23:43 AM
I better not say anything bad about Don Toto, or he may put a contract out on me! This portrait shows off this character superbly. I wonder if he's a rogue!
Avete indicato questo carattere fuori a perfezione. Un portrait siciliano vero meraviglioso! Pozzo fatto, Lo.
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
PIERRE THOMAS karkau (K:2031)
6/28/2005 8:21:55 AM
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Alexei Kondrachov (K:36)
6/28/2005 5:15:28 AM
this is amazing portrait!
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Alexei Kondrachov (K:36)
6/28/2005 5:13:17 AM
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Orazio Minnella (K:49417)
6/27/2005 3:26:12 PM
Coloritissimo ritratto.Ottimo lavoro dove il tuo stile per via delle tecnica usata ed anche per la tua certosina ricerca dei tuoi occasionali modelli, conferisce bellezza ai tuoi plurimi lavori. Ciao...Orazio
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Ian Crean (K:14866)
6/27/2005 11:10:44 AM
Don Toto has a great charachterful face, full of stories, and I'd guess a lot of humour behind the aopparent grimace. Great clarity and I love how the shirt and hat combine, stylish to the end! Ian
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Gabriella Carta (K:22879)
6/27/2005 10:15:42 AM
grandiosa!!! sei il mio idolo come ritrattista ahahhahahah!! un bacione, ciao
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Haris Calkic (K:4908)
6/27/2005 8:26:39 AM
excellent portrait you showed us his charachter very well
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Ehdae (Abullha AL Hazza) (K:4725)
6/27/2005 8:09:34 AM
Excellent portrait ,congrats, best regards
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
John Loreaux (K:86210)
6/27/2005 8:05:45 AM
What a great photo!!! He has characture Walter!Excellent detail!!!!Great light and natural colors!!! A really fantastic portrait!!! Nice framing as well! Take care Walter! My best to Youi!..............John 7 !
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Gabriella Carta (K:22879)
6/25/2005 3:02:34 PM
lo sai... è meravigliosa!
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Gabriella Carta (K:22879)
6/25/2005 2:03:09 PM
lo sai... è meravigliosa!
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Angelo Villaschi (K:49617)
6/25/2005 10:42:47 AM
Very pleasant and beautiful photo. I like the off-center composition and the great colours with nice saturation.
The details of the water droplets are an excellent finishing touch. The overall result is very good.
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Claudio Bonaccorsi (K:2146)
6/24/2005 4:04:14 PM
Bellissima macro, sembra un disegno.
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Gabriella Carta (K:22879)
6/24/2005 9:58:16 AM
ahhhhhhhh così è perfetta, bravissimo
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Riny Koopman (K:19998)
6/24/2005 9:54:23 AM
Wonderful moment from nature..We call this butterfly in the Netherlands (Landkaartje) 7++ for sure!
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
6/24/2005 9:37:18 AM
Macr shor superb. Background flu nice. Butterfly colour and pose very good.
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Gabriella Carta (K:22879)
6/23/2005 9:59:36 AM
stupenda!!! adoro queste foto
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Tahsin Bakr (K:3298)
6/23/2005 8:48:27 AM
Amaaaaaaaaazing shot. Excellent vision and DOF. waiting more. My Regards
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Aykaan K (K:13601)
6/23/2005 8:30:16 AM
magnifique prise!!!
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Larissa Nazarova (K:12118)
6/23/2005 12:35:53 AM
Great view!
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Lodovico Ludoni (K:5210)
6/22/2005 5:50:02 PM
Ciao Walter, sono contento di trovarti qui e dispiaciuto per l'accoglienza di questa grande foto. Forse poteva non piacere agli americani...ma tutti gli altri? Sarà che hai pestato i calli della cattiva coscienza? Ti assicuro che anche senza about la foto parla ma bene hai fatto a rimarcare il tutto. In questi casi i dettagli tecnici passano in secondo piano ma le tonalità di questo b/n sono per me affascinanti e funzionali al percorso espressivo della foto. Un caro saluto. Lodovico
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
luis pereira (K:26013)
6/22/2005 1:01:30 PM
Great shot of a beautiful old city.
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
6/22/2005 10:50:03 AM
ottimo lavoro.. roby
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Jeanette Hägglund (K:59855)
6/22/2005 9:15:42 AM
Beautiful cityview!
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Lorenzo Parisi (K:6277)
6/22/2005 8:10:11 AM
fantastica immagine! Toni veramente belli. Complimenti. Ciao, Lorenzo
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter
Critique By:
Larissa Nazarova (K:12118)
6/22/2005 1:47:40 AM
Very dramatic capture! Well done!
Photo By: Lo Cascio Walter