Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
11/13/2005 12:23:15 PM
A beautigul waterlily. Nice light and composition
Photo By: michael cupidore
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
11/13/2005 12:17:49 PM
Where DO you get all these fun ideas??? So, tell us how you did it. Neat shot!
Photo By: Dan Lightner
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
11/13/2005 12:12:57 PM
Nice detail, Joe. Good light on this one!
Photo By: Joe Ciccone
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
11/13/2005 12:10:05 PM
It looks cold! Nice shot. Almost abstract.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 2:43:58 PM
Just beautiful. Nothing more to add!
Photo By: Gerry Pacher
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 2:33:04 PM
Pretty light and nice expression, but somehow the angle of view has made her left arm seem unnaturally large...when I look at the image my eye keeps going straight to that arm! Maybe it's just me...
Photo By: antonio harrison
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 2:28:09 PM
Very nice. Good composition and great use of light!
Photo By: Dan Scenna
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 2:26:22 PM
I love the deep rich colors of this. I reminds me of an old masters painting. Have you considered reducing (not eliminating)the glare a bit on the 1 apple that has a strong white reflection? Strong glare or not, this is beautiful!
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 2:21:28 PM
Good composition with lots of strong leading lines. Unfortunately, the lines lead to a rather uninteresting building! If the building door were open, or if someone or something had been on the porch it might have made a much more interesting image. Adding some color or interest to the sky would have helped, too.
Photo By: Wayne Harridge
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 2:16:50 PM
Fantastic job, Dan. You have obviously become very skilled at PS, in addition to your photographic skills!
Photo By: Dan Lightner
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 2:13:58 PM
Very nice! I wonder what the man is looking for???
Photo By: ama tor
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 1:55:07 PM
At 1st glance I really liked this, but on closer examination I found a few things that really bother me. 1st, the shadows that go in the wrong direction and 2nd, and to me more important, the right arm of the child/left arm of the woman look very "off". I think this image is worth spend a bit more time on and making it the thing of beauty that it can and should be.
Photo By: Mitchell Miller
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 1:46:05 PM
Thanks for the laugh!! This would work great on a greeting card to send to friends who are a bit "down"!
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 1:44:08 PM
Really nice. Definitely "close up and personal"!
Photo By: John Loreaux
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/30/2005 1:40:46 PM
Great light, wonderful sky!! Like some of the others, I'm a little put off by the leaning right side. PS Elements is not expensive and would fix that in a second!!
Photo By: John Loreaux
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/26/2005 12:09:02 PM
Very nice. The face and eyes are sharp, as they should be. The blur of the hands/arms show motion. Effectively cropped.
Photo By: abhra aich
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/14/2005 8:02:06 PM
I like this very much. Great detail and texture. A memorable image.
Photo By: Dushan B. Hadnadjev
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
10/14/2005 7:59:09 PM
Very nice. I like the reflection of the sun in the water.
Photo By: Marco Maresca
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/25/2005 11:36:44 AM
Priceless! ;-) Her parents will keep ths one forever! (you DID give them a print???)!
Photo By: Erik Shea
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/25/2005 11:30:25 AM
A wonderful shot. Full of life and color. Fascinating to look at!
Photo By: Luis Diogo
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/19/2005 3:22:39 PM
Eleisa, to use an adjustment layer on the bottom half, 1st select it...in this case, you could use the rectangle toot set to a tolerence of about 12-15 pixels (that way you will have a graduated edge between what is selectd and what is not)
Photo By: Eleisa Martin
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/19/2005 11:31:59 AM
Once again, a interesting and creative point of view! I think that as a "newbi" to photography, you have a great eye!
This one badly needs to be rotated. The horizon slopes sharply to the right. I put this in PS and rotated it...which then forced me to crop it. Example below.
Photo By: Eleisa Martin
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/19/2005 11:19:52 AM
Eleise, this is an interesting point of view for the old fence. Nice composition, too. The bottom part is a bit overexposed. This was caused by the top half being in the shade and the bottom being sunlit. You can correct this to some extent in PS by selecting the bottom half and adjusting levels or, by using the burn tool.
Photo By: Eleisa Martin
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/17/2005 6:16:45 PM
Save this...someday you can blackmail him with it! ; -)
Photo By: Rae Pulver
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/17/2005 6:13:01 PM
A really nice portrait of 2 very pretty girls. I like the eye contact with the camera
Photo By: Gustavo Scheverin
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/17/2005 6:08:19 PM
That's adorable. Looks like he equates "time out" with jail!
Photo By: Janet B
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/17/2005 6:00:44 PM
Nice pose, background and lighting. I wish she had a bit of a smile, though.
Photo By: David Wagner
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/17/2005 5:51:33 PM
I love this type image. It's fun to look at the world from a different point of view. I like this a lot...just enough ripple in the water to make the shot interesting. I really enjoy playing with this type image, so I hope that you don't mind me sharing my version of your image. In no way do I consider my version better than yours...just a variation on your theme!
Photo By: Hooshang Nahrvar
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/17/2005 5:38:03 PM
An interesting and creative point of view. I like the in focus flowers with the soft background. Very nice.
Photo By: Hooshang Nahrvar
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
9/17/2005 12:08:21 PM
Night photography can be a challange sometimes. This was a difficult shot because the big ship is so much more brightly lit than the rest of the image and is overexposed. Probably the only way to get a perfect shot of this scene would be to take 2 images. 1 at the exposure used here and a second one with 2 or 3 stops less exposure and them combining the 2. Also, the use of a small aperature would have made the lights sharper...at f16 they would have looked like stars! It's a beautiful scene and the exposure on the left side is spot on! Also, the composition is excellent. I hope my critique has not offended you!
Photo By: carlos riley