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Critiques from manevi
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Critiques From manevi deger


Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
1/4/2005 3:03:16 PM

there is fine illumination on the background and the pose by the model is real excellent. hope it was no a bit tilted but even that contributes to the sensations of the image. thank you pinar for increasing the quality of the site.
        Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu  (K:7607)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
12/6/2004 4:09:00 PM

I really appreciated this multi-colored fractal structure that is professionally integrated within the body. Fine visual balance, great coloring and perfectly created surreality! The contrast between the body and the fractal implies "the nature in nature" which is most of the time problematic in philosophy (Deleuze, Gilles. Desert Islands) but it is the strength of photographic language as such (Benjamin, Walter. Illuminations.) to translate this "otherness" into visual entities. Whether deliberate or not, I would like to see this piece as a very attempt to decipher the mythical significations (Barthes, Roland. Myth Today.)that cynically sneaks into the essence of Saussurian structural linguistics setting the "sign" into a play of differences. (Derrida, Jacques- Différance) However naive, yours is a great experimentality proving the validity of the might of photographic discourse. I, like you all, stand rather optimistic towards photographic image since I believe it will somehow cover a paradigm to stand against the poisonous myth of contemporary parole (Saussure, Ferdinand de. General Course In Linguistics)of language. This work is doubtless an experimental masterpiece and this time I am sincere judi.
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/27/2004 2:45:21 PM

this piece is just an instance of digital aesthetics. gourgeous...
        Photo By: Thomas Barbier  (K:6)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/27/2004 2:43:31 PM

I really liked the expression in the face and the elements of composition. but what still annoys me is light distribution on the right hand side. crop it if you want and obtain a proper one. regards...
        Photo By: Birgit Heidrich  (K:142)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/27/2004 1:47:47 PM

nice perspective...I really do not know what is this black frame for? is it a must or sth. for the site?
        Photo By: Diego Dotta  (K:3172)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/27/2004 1:45:31 PM

the name and the visual qualities of the shot is rather contradictory. regards...
        Photo By: Johan Sorensen  (K:3449)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/27/2004 1:44:23 PM

I really wonder the underlying motivation for the distortion. Is it because that you find the plain frame not at all challanging and intresting or do you call yourself an "experimenter"? undistorted version may excite more. maybe...
        Photo By: Mirek Netusil  (K:572) Donor

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/27/2004 1:21:10 PM

arbitrary choices of composition elements and their inconsistent positionings spoils the frame.
Therefore, the shot claims neither a visual direction nor a balance but what is observed hitherto
is nothing but just a pile of masses with no deliberate intentions and a tender photographer's contribution.
fine lighting alone does not save a frame or even if it claims to do so it is not called a photograph anymore.
I would prefer to see more creative yet intentional compositions or "do not take it serious, I am just criticizing)"
        Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu  (K:7607)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/24/2004 11:54:03 PM

No matter how hard I try, I cannot ever elude to see just one spot that drags me in and it is that particular
spot situated in the very middle of the frame which unfaithfully suceeds to spoil the rest.

Pinar should have recognised it well ago and saved her shot with the magical touch(!)
of dear Adobe's PS but did not. "Seeing eyes" would claim and require the act...
        Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu  (K:7607)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/21/2004 3:28:21 PM

irrelevant to the name, the vertical usage of the frame is in strong harmony with the lines but as far as I observe mondrian is up to sth. else...
        Photo By: Monis Bangi  (K:166)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/21/2004 3:24:28 PM

impressing... it seems to me that the younger is totally dependent on the elder whereas elder is in quest of sth. else...she is caring but not so affectionate.not paradoxical but ironic congratulations
        Photo By: Kathleen Royles  (K:451)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/21/2004 3:04:02 PM

this masculine rage in the stare requires more sharpened edges rather than blurry and concealing effects.Therefore, this required a sensitivity in reading the elements. A more deliberate cropping would make sense since the blank areas spoils the strength of the look as well as the visual balance of the material. strong yet naive...
        Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu  (K:7607)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/21/2004 2:49:09 PM

I enjoy the cynical nature of the grin yet the shot lacks a sensitivity in framing. A little bit zoom out would do for a more effective impression. Light distribution is naive and the black frame+white stripe around still iritates. well effort.
        Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu  (K:7607)

Critique By: manevi deger  (K:209)  
11/21/2004 2:34:27 PM

I do not favour the black framing at all that I find it rather restrictive for the possible visual challanges that the shot potentially claims. It provokes the viewer towards an impression that the image is totally complete in itself weakening the direction and the meaning of the model's stare. It comes to me that the model stares at the black frame rather than sth. outside which is rather irritating. I agree that background is a bit noisy but I wish it to be a deliberate attempt to emphasize the figure over the ground.well done,nice shot...
        Photo By: Pnar Yazicioglu  (K:7607)


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