Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
1/16/2005 7:24:05 AM
Surreal! Great use of light and shadow. As a side note, in your picture information it says you used B&W negative film, while this is clearly a color photograph...
Photo By: yair leibovich
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
1/16/2005 7:15:26 AM
a m a z i n g
Photo By: Thilo Bayer
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
1/16/2005 2:48:21 AM
great image...I like the use of the effect. It wokrs perfectly in this situation.
Photo By: Kosti 7even
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
1/16/2005 1:43:45 AM
The lighting and compostion of this photo are great, but the amount of digital noise and blurring really kill this photo.
Photo By: Cristiano Ricardo
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
1/16/2005 1:40:22 AM
Great use of desaturation.
Photo By: Nicole Marcisz
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
1/16/2005 1:39:29 AM
Great composition. The style of the building and the stone street immediately told me the photo was from europe...cities don't look like that in America.
Photo By: Nicole Marcisz
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/31/2004 2:04:35 AM
A good shot overall, but just a little too bright.
Photo By: Benjamin Tharin
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/31/2004 2:03:30 AM
It would be nice if it could be zoomed in a bit closer, but it's still an interesting shot. I like how each one's wings are in a different position.
Photo By: Marilyn Nagy
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/31/2004 2:01:12 AM
Very striking use of contrast.
Photo By: Dan Scenna
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/31/2004 1:48:04 AM
Very interesting colors, and great use of DOF.
Photo By: Latif alobaida
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/31/2004 1:45:16 AM
The subdued tones really fit the mood. It looks peaceful. Peaceful but cold...
Photo By: Rebecca Raybon
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/31/2004 1:02:29 AM
Very striking use of selective desaturation.
Photo By: Andrew Aldridge
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/31/2004 1:00:43 AM
Great shot. I've never caught a squirrel sleeping like that...maybe they're more cautious where I come from.
Photo By: Rex Reynolds
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/30/2004 1:01:49 AM
Great concept...rather ironic, but without being "dark". Great composition, I love the tones. The mood is perfect.
Thanks for the comment on my photo. Your portfolio is impressive.
Photo By: Pat Fruen
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/28/2004 1:47:58 AM
A mite grainy, but all in all, a one-in-a-million capture.
Photo By: Ferdinand
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/28/2004 1:46:32 AM
Interesting concept, but the electronic flash is unappealing and all too bright. It overexposes the second cat (the one facing the camera) and destroys a lot of detail.
Photo By: Jamey Zunz
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/28/2004 1:38:43 AM
It's sort of surreal how the moon is out and the streetlight is on, but the sky is still blue, and it's apparently daylight.
Photo By: Phillip Swanson
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/28/2004 1:37:23 AM
Priceless expression.
Photo By: Luis Vieira
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/28/2004 1:36:49 AM
Wow...how close were you to the snake when you took this? I know they tend to be very shy, and run away if they have the opportunity...
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
12/28/2004 1:35:29 AM
Great composition. Do my eyes deceive me, or is there a very distant mountain peak in the upper left portion of the photograph?
Photo By: Edgar Monzón
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
11/10/2004 3:06:02 AM
Great shot (great title as well!) Just a thought: this would also be a great black and white shot. The easy way to do that is use the "Desaturate" tool in Photoshop (that is, if you have access to it). If you don't want to do that, then you could go back to the same location and try to duplicate the shot.... Kodak Tri-X Pan 400 is particularly good for this type of photo, because it has a really cool looking grain pattern.
Photo By: Ryan McMillen
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
11/10/2004 3:00:10 AM
Thanks for your comment. I'm currently attending Hillsdale College in Hillsdale Michigan (small town, very close to the Indiana border)
Photo By: Ethan Lewis
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
11/9/2004 10:24:52 PM
Great composition. I like how the sink perfectly fills the frame (who would have guessed that a kitchen sink would have the same aspect ratio as a camera?)
Photo By: Johanna Kaikkonen
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
11/9/2004 10:22:20 PM
Great composition. The background makes it look almost as if she is flying or suspended in midair above the trees. I've been to Garden of the Gods before and it's a truly amazing place.
Photo By: Ryan McMillen
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
11/8/2004 8:52:31 PM
Very striking colors. Beautiful day, no? The trees were like that here in michigan oh...maybe 2 weeks ago. Now everything just looks dead.
We don't have lakes that look like that though. At least not in this part of michigan.
Photo By: Walter Scarella
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
11/8/2004 3:48:13 PM
A very nice looking model with a great expression, but I think this photo would be even better if it were taken against a darker background, which would make the subject stand out more distinctly.
Photo By: Andrew Soebroto
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
11/5/2004 12:04:29 AM
I like the conrast of the dull brown against the brilliant blue sky. The angle definitely makes this shot feel a lot 'crazier'. How did you get the fan blades to be in the middle of the blur, rather than on the leading edge?
Photo By: Jim Goldstein
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
11/5/2004 12:01:20 AM
Looks as if the bus is approaching Warp factor 7! Did you hold the camera by hand for this shot, prop it on or against something, or use a tripod?
Photo By: Subata Kitano
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
11/4/2004 11:58:52 PM
Great action shot. Little guy looks like he's about to be decapitated...but I also have a dog, and I know those things always look worse than they are.
Also, thanks for commenting on my image.
Photo By: Jim Goldstein
Critique By:
Ethan Lewis (K:1536)
11/4/2004 11:41:46 PM
Excellent shot. The blurring adds an almost panicked vibe to the picture.
Photo By: RC. Dany